Ways to Help:
Alcohol and Social:
Long-Term Effects:
Drinking and Driving:

What does B.A.C. stand for?

Blood Alcohol Content


For a friend who has had too much to drink, what is the first thing you should do?

Seek medical help/call 911

What is the legal drinking age in America?



What is alcoholism:

Alcoholism is a chronic, often progressive disease in which your body becomes physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol.


What is the best way to prevent a DWI

A designated driver!


1 drink of alcohol, is how many ounces?

.5oz of alcohol


T/F: If you and your friend are under the legal drinking age and your friend is having an alcohol overdose, you will get in trouble for seeking medical help/calling 911.

False: Amnesty Law protects those who are doing the right thing, making good choices, protecting others, etc.


T/F: Most teenagers will try their first drink of alcohol before the age of 15?

True! Most teenagers will consume alcohol for the first time at 13 years old.


T/F: Consuming alcohol before the age of 15 increase the likelihood of you becoming dependent/addicted to alcohol in the future.

True! Research shows that people who start drinking before the age of 15 are 4-5 times more likely to become alcohol dependent in their future.


What does D.W.I. stand for?

Driving While Intoxicated


What type of drug is alcohol?

Alcohol is a depressant


T/F: Once you have dialed 911 and put a person in the recovery position, you are free to leave the scene.

FALSE! You should wait to for emergency personnel to arrive on the scene.


What is it called when someone is persistently trying and convincing another person to try alcohol after being told no already. 

Peer Pressure


a late stage of scarring (fibrosis) of the liver. The liver damage done by ___ can't be undone. 



What does D.W.A.I. stand for?

Driving While Ability Impaired


What does oxidation mean?

Alcohol is never digested, it must be oxidized which means it is broken down, or metabolized, by your liver.  


In an alcohol overdose situation, what should you do?

Stay with them and call 911

Make certain that they stay on their side, not their back, into the recovery position.

Remain calm and be firm!


What is hazing?

Hazing is any activity expected of someone joining or participating in a group that humiliates, degrades, abuses or endangers them, regardless of a person's willingness to participate.


Inflammation of liver caused by drinking alcohol.  The most common symptoms include: 

- Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice) 

- Increasing girth (due to fluid accumulation)

Alcoholic Hepatitis


What is the legal limit?



What body part is most affected by alcohol?



IF YOU DON'T HELP.. What can happen if an alcohol overdose goes untreated?

  1. A person could choke on their vomit.

  2. Breathing may slow down, become irregular, and stop.

  3. Heart may beat irregularly and stop.

  4. Hypothermia (low body temperature).

  5. Severe dehydration from vomiting, which can cause seizures, permanent brain damage, or death.


What was the title of the documentary we watched on Alcohol Hazing?

Breathe, Nolan, Breathe.

Coping and support group for an individual suffering from Alcoholism:

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): A self-help group of people recovering from alcoholism.  AA offers a sober peer group as an effective model for achieving abstinence.


What is one field sobriety techniques? (Can demonstrate one as well)

  • Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN)

  • Walk-and-turn (WAT)

  • One-Leg Stand (OLS)