Vocabulary Terms
Types/Problems it can cause
How it affects individuals

 a drug created by a chemical reaction in some foods, especially fruits and grains 

What is Alcohol 


Caleb was at a party and was drinking a lot of alcohol, now he cannot remember anything that happened at the party. What happened to Caleb? 

What is Blackout 


When you are drinking alcohol and you get behind the wheel of a car you are risking getting a ________

What is Driving under the Influence (DUI) 


If a boy and a girl are both drinking the same amount of alcohol who is likely going to get drunk first? 

Who is the boy 


The ________ _________ ___________ in the US is 21 years old 

What is Legal Drinking Age 

  • (a type of gas/alcohol) that forms when the sugars from fruits, grains, or vegetables are fermented with yeast 

What is Ethanol 


Kadence woke up one morning and she was feeling really nauseous, dizzy, and had a headache. She drank a lot of alcohol the night before. What likely happened to Kadence  

What is Hangover 


This is a opening in your stomach lining from drinking alcohol 

What is an ulcer 


If someone weighs 150 and the other other person weighs 175 and they are the same gender. Who is likely to get drunk faster? 

Who is the 150 pound person 


Of the 3 types of alcohol we have learned about put them in order from strongest to weakest. 

What is Liquor, Wine, Beer 


Drinking a large amount of alcohol in a short period, often leading to dangerous effects

What is Binge Drinking 


Mundre was drinking shots of liquor and Justice was drinking glasses of wine. Justice had 2 glasses of wine and Mundre had 2 shots of Liquor. Who is likely going to be more drunk and why? 

Who is Mundre, because he had shots and shots (liquor) is stronger than wine. 


Why do you get a sense of warmth from drinking alcohol? AKA "Liquor Blanket" 

What is blood vessels widening 


IF someone has food in their stomach they will get drunk __________ than someone DOES NOT have food in their stomach 

What is slower 


A ___ ounce bottle of beer contains the same amount of alcohol as __ ounce glass of wine and a ___ounce glass of liquor

what is 12, 5, and 1.5 


When a person needs more alcohol to feel the same effects because their body has gotten used to it

What is Tolerance 


Edward was drinking alcohol and he was stopped by a cop. The cop did a breathalyzer on him and told him his BAC was 0.02 and he let him get in his car and leave. Why was this? 

What is he was not above the legal limit


This is a disease that causes scarring and destruction of liver tissue

What is Liver Cirrhosis 


What happens to your heart when drinking alcohol? 

What is it starts to beat faster 


What body part is primarily affected when drinking alcohol 

what is the liver 


A dangerous condition caused by drinking too much alcohol too quickly, which can lead to coma or death.

What is Alcohol Poisoning 


Aidan was drinking a lot of alcohol at this party. He started to feel faint and started to throw up but his friends told him to keep drinking. He ended up passing out on the couch and was throwing up throughout the night and his friends had to call an ambulance. What likely happened to Aidan? 

What is alcohol poisoning 


This is a disease babies can suffer from if their mother drinks alcohol while pregnant with them. 

What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 


This body part filters out 90% of alcohol from your body 

What is the liver


Is alcohol a drug? If yes, what type of drug is it? 

What is yes, and what is depressant