Drinking and Driving
Underage drinking problem/stats
Drinking and unplanned pregnancy & rape
Drinking and violence
Short term effects of alcohol use
As the person reaches __ they begin to experience some loss of judgment, relaxation and altered mood which results in a decline in visual functions and ability to perform two tasks at the same time.
True or False Underage drinking can cause school problems, such as higher absence and poor or falling grades.
True or False? About 1 of 2 pregnancies in America are unplanned.
How are most fights or suicides caused?
What is by someone who is drinking or has been drinking.
True or False? The top 3 causes of alcohol are slurred speech, Drowsiness, and vomiting.
If you are convicted with drinking and driving what will the driver be charged with?
What is a mandatory surcharge, license revocation, higher insurance premiums, and possible incarceration. https://ncadd.org/learn-about-alcohol/drinking-and-driving
True or False Kids who start drinking before age 15 years are five times more likely to develop alcohol or abuse later in life than those who begin drinking at or after age 21 years.
True or False? Approximately 5 percent of all teen births are the result of a rape.
What is the cause in most violent crimes today
What is drinking.
True or false? Alcohol lowers the immune system response and disrupts a protein that keeps fluid out of lungs, leading to respiratory infections.
Nearly ____ people are killed each year in an alcohol related accident.
A standard drink is ___ grams of pure alcohol
What is ex.) 12 ounces of beer, or 5 ounces of wine. http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/arh284/toc28-4.htm
True or false? Approximately 91 percent of pregnant teens reported that although they were drinking at the time, they did not originally plan to have sexual activity when they conceived.
Do these crimes happen more during the day or at night?
What is night
What injuries could be caused by drinking?
Over ___ million arrests for DWI each year and 780,000 are convicted
In 2012, nearly ___ of students (72%) have consumed alcohol (more than just a few sips) by the end of high school, and more than ______ have done so by 8th grade.
true or false ? Alcohols top 3 problems are: 1. Unplanned pregnancies 2. Sexual transmitted diseases 3 Acquaintance Rape.
What is true
True or False? Individual, environmental, social, and cultural factors may help reduce both alcohol abuse and the incidence of alcohol-related violence.
True or false? The effect of alcohol depends on a range of factors such as: weight,age, amount of food in your stomach, how much you drink and how your tolerance it to alcohol.
What is true.
Almost _______ deaths are alcohol-related, and only 13.5% are drinking and driving
True or False Teens who drink heavily are three times more likely to try and hurt themselves (self-harm, attempt suicide etc.) than those who don't.
True or False? Drinking increases the risk of physical and sexual assault?
What is True
Alcohol reduces _____, which can be one of the main reasons people enjoy drinking.
What are some alcohol effects on the body ?
What is inferences with the brains commuincation pathways, a stroke, liver inflammations,etc...