The Disease of Addiction
(Addiction and Recovery Phase)
Effects of Addiction
On your Body
Effects of Addiction
on your Thinking
Effects of Addiction
on your life
Recovery &
Lifelong Recovery

Takes Responsibility for Past Behavior is an example from this phase of addiction or recovery on the curve.

What is the Early phase of Recovery? 


This is sometimes referred to as the "pleasure pathway" in the brain.  

What is another name for the limbic system? 


In this way of thinking, we refuse to accept the truth about our addiction. Oddly enough, we can often see in others what we cant see in ourselves. 

What is Denial? 


Loss of job or bad credit are examples of how addiction may have affected you ________________. 

What is financially? 


In this stage of change, we are taking action to change. 

What is the action stage of change? 


rationalizes substance use is an example from this phase of addiction or recovery on the curve. 

What is the middle phase of addiction? 


This neurotransmitter is affected by drugs, affects the brains ability to feel pleasure, and is involved in the development of tolerance. 

What is dopamine?


In this way of thinking, many of our thoughts become centered around whether or not we're feeling good. As the addiction cycle continues, our obsession with feelings good takes over and we turn inward and don't think about the needs of others. 

What is Self-Obsession? 


Hopelessness and Despair, or low self esteem may be ____________ consequences of addiction. 

Emotional (Accept Emotional Problems)


List any two of the ten Guiding Principles of Recovery listed in this book. 

Recovery 1)emerges from hope, 2)is person driven, 3)Occurs via many pathways 4)is holistic 5) is supported by peers and allies 6)is supported through relationships and social networks 7)is culturally based and influenced 8)is supported by addressing trauma 9)involves individual, family, and community strengths and responsibility 10)is based on respect. 


Routinely challenges distorted thinking is an example from this phase of addiction or recovery on the curve. 

What is the middle phase of recovery? 


These are the three pasts of the cycle of addiction. 

(Hint: Not the Relapse Cycle!)

What are 1)binge intoxication, 2)withdrawal/negative affect and 3)preoccupation/anticipation?


Daily Double!!

In this way of thinking, Our thinking doesn't make sense, even when we try to convince ourselves otherwise. 

Daily Double!!

What is irrational thinking? 


Sensing your life has no meaning or purpose, and violating your morals and values are listed as _________ consequences of addiction. 

Spiritual (also accept spiritual life)


Being ______ with ourselves and others can help us change our addiction. 

What is Honest? 


Runs out of Excuses for substance use is an example  from this phase of addiction or recovery on the curve. 

What is the late phase of addiction? 


These are four of the six symptoms of post acute withdrawal? 

What are 1)Difficulty Thinking Clearly, 2)Difficulty managing emotions, 3)Difficulty remembering things, 4)Difficulty Sleeping, 5)Problems with physical coordination, and 6) Stress Sensitivity. 


In this thinking pattern, we think we're very different or special, and that the destructive nature of addiction doesn't apply to us. We want to make our addiction seem attractive and exciting, and take pride in our drug history. 

What is "unique person stance"?


Who is affected by the consequences of my addictions? 

My Community -(Myself, My Family, My Friends, any peers, any victims, the community, taxpayers, Joe down the street.)

(Accept any answer except just me)


Define Sobriety and Recovery. 

What is 

Sobriety- simply quitting the use of alcohol and other drugs

Recovery - is about becoming physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy. It involves rebuilding trust with family and friends, and forming new, healthy daily habits. 


Sees Greater possibilities for a life is sobriety is an example  from this phase of addiction or recovery on the curve. 

What is Maintenance? (On the Recovery Curve)


These are two regions in the limbic system. 

What are the basal ganglia and the extended amygdala? 


List the three types of tactics, and a specific tactic within each category example of each. 

Avoidance (lying, being deliberately vague, staying silent to avoid notice, false compliance, playing dumb, selective memory and attention, minimizing)

Diversion (Pointing out the faults of others, magnifying, deliberately trying to confuse, quibbling over words, introducing irrelevant issues, smokescreen issues, self shaming to avoid responsibility)

and Aggression (arguing, using threatening words or behaviors, raging, sarcasm and teasing, splitting staff, creating chaos, attention seeking. 


Definition of a  Co-Occuring Disorder. 

What is having a substance use disorder, and mental health condition at the same time? 


These are three areas the book says that our grief around addiction may center. 

What are 1) Realizing that we cant drink or use other drugs anymore

2)The "death" of our drug and crime related life

3)Fear of Change: not knowing who we'll be without alcohol or other drugs.