Standard Drink Sizes
Safety Tips
Myth or Fact
Alcohol and the Body

What is a standard drink?

This is the liquid amount containing 14 grams of pure alcohol. Different ounces of different alcohols will contain 1 standard drink. 


When should you call 911 for yourself or a friend when drinking?

If you notice any signs of alcohol poisoning (such as throwing up, passing out) and you feel that you or your friend is in danger and needs medical help.


Myth or Fact: you should eat carbs before drinking.

MYTH. While you should always eat before drinking, try to eat protein. This slows down how fast your body absorbs alcohol, allowing you to have more control over how much you drink and how you feel. But, it is always better to eat something so if all you have is carbs you should definitely eat those!


True or False: Alcohol affects the brain.

TRUE. Alcohol affects the brain and the body, but especially the brain. This is because the blood vessels in the brain are smaller than the ones in your body, so your brain is the first place to absorb the alcohol. 


How old do you have to be to purchase alcohol in the US?



What is 1 standard drink size of wine? (in ounces)

4 to 5 oz of wine


What is harm reduction?

Harm reduction is when you choose behaviors that have less risks. These are "healthier" choices. For example, limiting the amount of drinks you have in one night.


Myth or Fact: In New York State, the Good Samaritan law protects you from being arrested if you call for help when underage drinking. 

FACT! While it doesn't protect you from underage drinking in general, if you specifically are calling for help (being a Good Samaritan), you will not get in trouble. This is because they would rather you be safe, and the state does not want fear of getting in trouble to stop you from seeking help.


True or False: The brain keeps developing until you are around 25.

TRUE! This is why alcohol is illegal until your early 20s in most countries. Countries are trying to limit the harm alcohol can have on your brain while it is still growing. 

True or False: Different countries have different ages a person can drink.

True! In some countries you can start drinking at 18, some 21, some 25. This is based on how much harm that country thinks you may experience drinking. This might be because of body development, driving, or other factors. 


What is 1 standard drink of a hard liquor? (in ounces, examples: vodka, tequila, gin)

1.5oz of hard liquor 


What is 1 harm reduction strategy you can use?

Limiting the amount of drinks you have; planning a safe way home; drinking water between drinks; eating before drinking; using an app to track your BAC; not mixing drinks; making sure your phone is charged before a night out; watching out for your friends; don't drink alone; know the laws in your city/state; only have drinks you made yourself or saw being poured


Myth or Fact: The more I drink, the higher my tolerance is. This means my BAC doesn't get higher and I can drink more. 

MYTH! While the same amount of alcohol may have less of an affect on how you feel over time, your BAC does NOT CHANGE. This is important because when people develop a higher tolerance they are more likely to drink more, but this can be dangerous because their BAC doesn't change.


What are 3 organs that are affected by alcohol?

The brain, the liver, and the heart. Too much alcohol can damage the brain, the liver, and the heart. 


What is the Good Samaritan Law?

The Good Samaritan Law says that if you are using substances and you decide to call for help, you will not get in trouble for underage use. This is because they don't want fear of getting in trouble to stop you for calling for help if you or a friend is in danger.


What is 1 standard drink of beer? (in ounces, also applies to seltzer's like Truly or White Claw)

12oz of beer or seltzer


What is BAC?

BAC stands for Blood Alcohol Content. This is the amount of alcohol in your blood. Too high of a BAC can result in blacking out, alcohol poisoning, coma, and even death. The "ideal" BAC is around .02 to .06. This is called the sweet spot. 


MYTH or FACT: I shouldn't mix liquors because I will get more drunk. 

TRICK QUESTION. It depends. While mixing alcohol itself doesn't make you more drunk, when people mix alcohol they typically consume more alcohol overall. If you are mixing alcohol but still having the same amount of standard drinks, you'll be fine. It is when you lose track of how many drinks you've had or drink more than usual that you can get too drunk.


What is the hippocampus part of the brain, and what happens when alcohol enters this part of the brain?

The hippocampus is where you make memories. When alcohol enters this part of the brain, it may stop your brain from being able to form memories. This is why people Blackout. 

Does the Good Samaritan Law only apply to alcohol?

NOPE! The Good Samaritan Law applies to any substance. 


Why should you know about standard drinks?

So you know how to keep track of what you have drank. This can help you stay in control and be safe!


What is the Recovery Position?

The Recovery Position, also called the Bacchus Maneuver, is when you place someone on their side (see picture) so that if they throw up their airway is clear. This can prevent drunk people from choking on their own vomit. 


Myth or Fact: Alcohol can lower your inhibitions. What this means is that things you might not typically say out loud or actions you would normally stop yourself from doing, you may be more likely to say or do. 

FACT! Alcohol does not change you--but it might change the actions you take. Things you might normally stop yourself from doing you might be more likely to do. Alcohol doesn't change your impulses, just makes it more likely for you to act on them.

What is the frontal lobe and what happens when alcohol enters this part of the brain?

The frontal lobe is where you make decisions. When alcohol enters this part of the brain, it might change how likely you are to make certain decisions. 


Who does the Good Samaritan Law protect when calling for help?

The Good Samaritan Law protects the person calling and the person who needs help. This is to make sure you don't leave your friends alone if they need help.