A person can get as drunk by drinking beer or a flavored bottle/canned alcoholic beverage as they can by drinking hard liquor.
YES: 12 oz. of beer or flavored malt beverage, 4.5oz of wine and 1.6 oz. of hard liquor (80-90 Proof) all contain the same amount of alcohol
It is good to be able to drink more than others without showing it (Have High Tolerance)
NO: High tolerance is a warning sign of addiction. It means your body is not reacting normally to alcohol.
What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?
Frost bite
YES: Research shows that if you use alcohol/drugs before the age of 15, you are 2-5 times more likely to become addicted
The amount of alcohol a "healthy adult liver" can process in one hour.
12 oz. of beer or flavored malt beverage, 4.5 oz. of wine or 1.5 oz. of hard liquor (80-90 proof)
Hi risk drinking is defined differently for women
YES: High risk drinking for adult women (18 or older) is one or more drinks on a regular basis; for adult men it is two or more.
Only alcoholics focus on alcohol
NO: Alcoholics and their family members both focus on alcohol. Alcoholics, because it is very important that they have alcohol available; their families, because they are concerned about the persons drinking.
What do you call a bear with no teeth?
Gummy Bear
People with alcoholic/addicted relatives are more likely to become addicted themselves.
YES: The more blood relatives one has with AOD problems the more "at risk" you will be to develop problems yourself. Other related risk factors are whether you live with someone that drinks or uses a lot, as well as what your family and community agreements are about drinking and using to excess.
Marijuana use affects your ability to learn
YES: The receptors in the brain that react to marijuana are located in the hippocampus, which is associated with learning and memory. Studies indicate that short-term memory loss is common in users.
Your active drug use impacts yours children's risk of becoming addicted
YES: Active drug use has been shown by research to impart your children's risk of becoming addicted
Denial is the number one sign of addiction
YES: Alcoholics deny, minimize and tend to blame others for their drinking/using, such as their partner, friends, boss, and teachers - Not recognizing that their drinking/using is causing the problem
Which superhero is always known for having sticky situations?
Smoking only harms the smoker
NO Tobacco smoke consists of organic matter, nicotine alkaloids, and additives which, when heated, break down into carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and tar which affect the brain and lungs of both the smoker and anyone else who breathes the smoke
Your chances of developing cancer and heart disease are affected by drinking
YES: Studies have shown that drinking only 2 drinks a day doubles the risk of developing breast cancer. More than 3 drinks a day increases your risk of heart disease
Few children use inhalants
NO: Approximately 1 in 6 children will use inhalants by the 8th grade
It is easy for teen smokers to quit
NO: 75% of those who try to quit are unsuccessful at the beginning.
Why did Darth Vader go to therapy?
To work on his “force”-ful anger management issues!
Everyone has blackouts
NO: Blackouts are a warning sign of addiction
Drinking or smoking during pregnancy affects the health of the baby.
YES: During pregnancy most drugs taken by the mother, including alcohol and tobacco, cross the placenta and enter the blood stream of the developing fetus. Similarly after birth most drugs taken by the mother are passed on to the infant through the mothers milk. Even 2nd hand smoke puts their unborn babies at risk of many of the same health problems caused by smoking during pregnancy - miscarriage, Sudden infant death syndrome, low birth weight and premature birth.
Drinking 6 shots or beers in an hour can kill a teen
Rapidly downing 5 or more drinks of alcohol in a short period of time (binge drinking) can cause alcohol poisoning and death.
Your positive attitude towards your children's smoking or using alcohol or drugs impacts your children's risk of becoming addicted
Yes: ATOD is as important risk factor as your own use.
“Thunder only happens when it’s raining” is sung in “Dreams” by this band—that weather report is inaccurate.
Fleetwood Mac.
Symptoms of alcohol poisoning
Confusion, stupor, vomiting, seizures, irregular breathing, blue-tinged or pale skin, low body temperature and unconsciousness
Marijuana smoking affects the respiratory system the same way tobacco does
NO: One marijuana joint causes more damage to the respiratory system than five tobacco cigarettes. This is due in part to the chemical make-up of marijuana and in part to the nature of its use, which includes longer inhalation and absence of filters.