Barriers to Tx
13% of the homeless population that is at risk of PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury and subsequent Major Depressive Episode
What are veterans
The federal government, in coordination with States, attempts to meet the needs of the homeless through a variety of social systems referred to in social work as this. *Hint* Trapeze artists also need this below them.
What is a safety net
PATH grants provide funding for programs that address addiction and mental illness among the homeless. Name the number of PATH providers in D.C.
What is zero
The most important need to meet for treatment to be successful
What is housing
Addiction recovery can be particularly difficult for the homeless who are mentally ill because this can be extremely low
What is motivation
Over 60% of people who are chronically homelessness have also experienced this.
What is mental health problem
The fiscal year 2011 funding request for this BLOCK GRANT, to help support local public and non-profit agencies' work with individuals that suffer with an addiction, is $1.72 billion *Hint* Acronym is SABG
What is the Substance Abuse Block Grant
For a homeless individual who has an addiction and a mental illness who is being treated in Washington Hospital Center's inpatient psychiatry unit, s/he will receive which services: substance abuse recovery, treatment for mental illness, or both.
What is mental illness (only)
One difficulty with addiction recovery for the mentally ill and homeless is that most programs have no tolerance for _________.
What is relapse
This landmark plan, unveiled by the Administration earlier this year, specifically tackles the issue of homelessness, relying on an unprecedented collaboration between federal, state, local agencies, community-based and non-profit groups. *Hint* You do this in order to get out of your house.
What is Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness
Over 80% of chronically homeless persons have experienced this in their lifetime.
What is an alcohol and/or drug problem
The fiscal year 2011 funding level for this BLOCK GRANT, to help support local public and non-profit agencies' work with individuals that suffer with a mental illness is $400 million Hint: Acronym is MHBG
What is the Mental Health Block Grant
One of the few service providers in Washington, D.C. that provides treatment for homeless individuals who have a dual diagnosis is this one. *Hint* Ginger works here!
What is Community Connections
When those who are homeless and addicted are ready to seek treatment right away, often this can get in the way and thwart their efforts.
What is a waiting list
Average annual per-person cost to cure an alcohol-related illness
What is $10,000
The estimated number of homeless persons in DC: 6500, 7500, 10,500?
What is 6,500 (although, it's most likely higher)
Title V Part C of the Public Health Service Act authorized this program, a formula grant to the 50 states and protectorates, providing services for people with serious mental illness, including those with co-occurring substance use disorders, who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. *Hint* You'll never guess. Look under your desktop. Whoever finds it first wins.
What is Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH)
This agency operates the Homeless Outreach Program provides outreach, engagement, risk assessment, and service linkage for adults and youth who are homeless and have mental illness.
What is the D.C. Department of Mental Health
Frequent cycling between these types of institutions/environments put the homeless at increased risk for substance abuse.
What is prison, emergency room, or the street
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act was the first—and remains the only—major federal legislative response to homelessness. Who signed the act into law in 1987?
Who is President Ronald Reagan
Among DC's homeless population, what % have co-occurring mental health and substance use disorder?
What is 40%
This recent major policy change will provide health coverage for many individuals who experience or are most at risk of homelessness. *Hint* AHCA
What is the Affordable Health Care Act
In 2009, this program provided 735 homeless men and women with 29,620 transitional housing nights in rehabilitative programs designed to help participants maintain sobriety, stabilize mental health and find employment.
What is So Others Might Eat (SOME)
An additional difficulty for those living on the streets and wanting to recover from addiction is that the streets often provide a constant exposure to these.
What are triggers
Name one American city that has one of the highest rates of homelessness in the nation.
What is Washington, D.C.