Twelve Steps
Big Book
Fun Facts and Random Questions
Firsts, Onlys and Musts

How many steps were there originally?



 AA members approaching new members for romance or dates is sometimes referred to as....



What are the three essentials in AA Big Book?

Willingness, honesty and open mindedness 

are the essentials of recovery. But these are indispensable.


What was the organization that inspired a lot of AA's ideals and methods?

The Oxford Group


Recite the first step. What does the DASH between two parts of step 1 mean? 

We admitted we were powerless over alcohol – that our lives had become unmanageable.

Dash means end one thought beginning of another

Which step is the first step to include talk of a higher power?

Step 2


AA members who only stay physically sober and share with others how to stay only physically sober are called what ? 

Two steppers 


What is the full title of the original "Big Book"?

Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How More Than One Hundred Men Have Recovered from Alcoholism


which one of our cofounders had a dog named Roger? 

Dr. Bob


What is “ the first step in recovery”? (The way it  says it on p 39 in chapter  “More about alcoholism”) 

we learned that we had to fully concede to our innermost selves that we were alcoholics. This is the first step in recovery.


How many of the 12 Steps of AA have the word alcohol or alcoholic in them?



AA meetings that do not carry a Big Book solution topic followed by a big book solution discussion are called what ?  

Dead Cat meetings 

Open Disgusting meetings  


what name did Bill W want to give the Big Book but couldn’t  

The Way Out


Was Bill Wilson on the cover of Time magazine?

No, Bill W refused to have his picture even from the back. His full identity was only revealed after his death 


What was our Sweet Gene’s first spiritual experience? Where did it happen?

Gene fell on  his knees next to his jail cot and surrendered. Then he fell asleep peacefully to the great annoyance off his jail cell mate.


The 12 Steps of NA have 11 of the 12 beginning with the word "we"; How many steps does the 12 Steps of AA begin with "we"?



What is the PRIMARY PURPOSE of a real AA group ? (Hint: use tradition not pre-amble) 

each group has but one primary purpose – to carry it’s message to the alcoholic who still suffers (Tradition 5) 


The beginning of the Big Book has not been changed since 1939, but exactly how many pages does that consist of?



How did the Serenity Prayer come to be used in 12 Step programs?

It was seen in an obituary and brought to Bill W's attention by a member named Jack.


What is the only step that promises freedom from drinking?

Step 10


How many steps have more two or more separate parts to them? Name these steps and their separate parts 🤩

5 steps: 1, 8, 10, 11 and 12 

1, 8, 10 and 11 have 2 parts 

12 has 3 parts 


After Bill W quit drinking, WHICH 2 STEPS (as we know them today) became turning points and led to the formation of our Alcoholics Anonymous. 

step 12 ( Bill sharing his experience, strength and hope to Dr Bob) 

And step 9 (Dr Bob going around town making amends ) 


Why is the Alcoholics Anonymous book nicknamed "The Big Book"?

They picked the cheapest, thickest paper the printer had, and requested that each page be printed with unusually large margins surrounding the text. This   made for an unusually large book.


Which one of the cofounders had tattoos,  Bill W or Dr Bob?

Dr Bob


ill in the blanks:

"you don’t have to ________ everyone in AA, but you must_________them. "

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