What was the original name of the 12 steps & 12 Traditions?
What is Twelve Points to Assure our Future
Name the oldest women's group in the world.
What is the Winnipeg Womens Group
What is the mythical creature named in "Dr. Bob's Nightmare"?
What is Charybdis
This organization inspired many of A.A.'s ideals and methods.
What is the Oxford Group
When was the first issue of the A.A. Grapevine was published
When is June 1944
In which Tradition does "divert us from our primary purpose" appear?
What is Tradition Six
What does it mean to say some AA meetings are "closed" or "open"?
What is closed meetings are for alcoholics only, open meetings anyone can attend
What is the original full title of the Big Book?
What is Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How More Than One Hundred Men Have Recovered from Alcoholism
Who is the nurse who helped over 10,000 alcoholics?
Who is Sister Ignatia
This is the year the first woman joined AA.
What is 1937
This many of the 12 steps have the word "alcohol" in them
What is Step two
There are both men and women specific meetings. True or False
What is the story titled "Acceptance was the Answer" in the 4th Edition titled in the 3rd Edition?
What is Doctor, Alcoholic, Addict
What is anonymity
In what year was the "Just For Today" card first printed:
What is 1978
This many of the 12 steps begin with the word "WE"
What is Step one
What is the latest A.A. meeting format?
What is zoom (online) meetings
In what year did AAWS stop printing the circle/triangle logo in the Big Book?
What is 1993
How did the Serenity Prayer come to be used in AA?
What is a member an AA saw it in an obituary and showed it to Bill W
What year was the A.A. preamble first written?
What is 1947
What materializes after Step Nine?
What are The Promises
In what year did Bill W. meet Dr. Bob
What is 1935
Why Alcoholics Anonymous basic text nicknamed "The Big Book"?
Why is the type of paper used and the large margins in the first edition
He twelfth stepped Bill Wilson
Who is Ebby Thacher
What date is considered the "birthday" of A.A.
June 10, 1935
Which tradition had the word honest removed from it?
What is Tradition Three
How many types of A.A. meetings are there?
What is six
*not required as part of the answer; open, closed, speaker, Big Book and specialty (men's, women's, LBGTQ2+)
Which day in "He Sold Himself Short" did the writer do steps with Dr. Bob?
What is is a Wednesday
What is the heartbeat of A.A.
What is the Homegroup
In what year was the first sobriety token given?
What is 1942
*Not required as part of the answer: Doherty S. is thought to have started the sobriety coin tradition in Indianapolis A.A.