What is STM
Store Task Management
True or False: In an emergency always administer 1st aid.
False: Only if you are trained & volunteer as a good Samaritan.
EFT means
Electronic Funds Transfer
When should an emergency service be created? 24hrs, 48hrs, when the manager gets back from vacation or A.S.A.P.
True or False an LSA can complete anyone's task
False, you can only complete tasks that list your role.
If printed copies are not available, you can find them here.
My Aldi/search/files/customer incident packet or in G drive
What does E.A.S. mean?
Electronic Article Surveillance.
True or False: Asset tagging should only be done for emergencies.
False: Asset tagging should be used for both non-emergencies and emergencies.
To verify a task has been completed correctly you would?
Use the Calander feature. (iPad & Almex:bottom of screen. Store PC: from task drop down)
To secure a customer incident area you should use these.
Wet floor signs
This is used on the EFT terminal
Skimmer Detection Tool.
True or False: You should use P1 for all service calls.
P1: (2 to 4 hours) P2: (24hrs) Resolving safety concerns & or detriment to sales.
P3: (2 business days) P4: (5 business days) P5: (14 business days) P6: (30 business days) P7: (365 business days)
Daily news and Bulletins can be viewed here
Knowledge Base Articles from the menu.
To secure evidence of an incident, you should?
Take photos of the incident in question.
This is used on the EAS pedestal.
An EAS test card. Or walkie, iPad and Almex.
True or False: Feedback should be given once a month.
False: Feedback should be given weekly.
What 3 tasks can be created for your mgmt.?
1) Task: For Day-to-Day tasks
2) Quick Task: For a zone walks
3) Recurring Task: Establishing a new routine
To prevent the alleged incident from recurring, you should.
Take corrective action. Such as cleaning the area
These doors should be locked at all times.
Check lane cabinet doors.
when escalating with a vendor you should first try?
Go into the work order and select +note/attachment. Make a note and add a picture if needed. Proceed with tagging the vendor add DM then Send.