Values & Goals
Health & Safety
Just for Fun

What are the Classroom Names at Aleph Bet? 

Aleph, Bet 1, Bet 2, Gimmel 1, Gimmel 2, Daled 1, Daled 2, Kindergarten 1, Kindergarten 2 


How often do we have general Staff Meetings? 

Once a month, alternating via zoom in evening and after school. 


How is Reggio-inspired philosophy implemented at Aleph Bet?

Classroom spaces are set up in soothing, inviting way. Natural tones. The classroom is decorated and highlights the students work 

Every child is respected and valued for who they are, they interests and encouraged and talents highlighted. 


When should students wash their hands? 

Students should wash their hands upon arriving at school, before and after lunch, after playground time, after the bathroom, and after messy activities. 


What was your favorite Staff Night Out? 

Painting, Candle Making, Eating Out, Drum Circle! 


How to message/ communicate with a parent? 

Call from office phone or message  through the Playground App; no messages through personal phones 


Who to contact to request time off. 

Email & to request time off one week in advance. 

Sick leave message Aliza if applicable by 8:30 p.m. the evening prior 


Share about the Reggio Inspired Educational Philosophy 

Broadly speaking, Reggio Emilia is an approach to early childhood learning named after the town where it originated in Italy. Founder Loris Malaguzzi believed children were in need of a more holistic kind of education after World War II. He began the Reggio Emilia style based on the belief that every child is unique and will express their interests in many different ways.

This belief has practical impact, creating a co-learning environment where teachers learn with the children and work in a lateral relationship as opposed to a hierarchical one. That partnership is also intended to encompass the parents and community of each child.

Reggio Emilia also revolves around the children’s senses, relying on sight, sound, touch and even taste and smell to assist with learning. As a result, Reggio Emilia classrooms tend to look different than your average preschool with large common spaces, natural elements and lots of accessible and curiosity-sparking materials.


What is the sign-in procedure for students every morning? 

Parents sign in via the Playground App and Sign their child in, on the Classroom Binder 


What is your favorite special at Aleph Bet? 

Yoga, Sports, Shabbos Music or Dance!


Share the Birthday Party Guidelines 

Parents arrange in school birthday party with teacher. 

Class will bake and decorate a cake together. 

Parents can bring in paper goods, fresh whole fruit, and drink for the party. 

Party Bags are not allowed. 


Share the Dress Code Policy

Professional attire consisting of knee length skirts, sleeves, high neckline no cleavage showing and closed shores. 

Staff T-shirts Optional 


Share Aleph Bets Goals 

Nourish a Child's heart and mind as we develop cognitive, social, emotional and physical skills. 

Create a loving, safe space for children to flourish in a joyful, jewish environment. 


What is the first Safety Rule at Aleph Bet? 

Student can never be left unattended 


What is a favorite Aleph Bet Student Snack? 

Veggie Straws & Fruit! 


What are the required centers areas for an ITERS class according to Quality First? 

What are the required centers for an ECERS class according to Quality First? 

ITERS Class - Blocks, Dramatic Play, Cozy Area, Art & Manipulatives centers should be present. 

ECERS Class - Dramatic Play, Reading Corner, Nature & Science, Blocks and Cozy Corner.  Art & Manipulatives centers should be present 


What is the most important aspect of a successful school? 

The Amazing Aleph Bet Staff! 


How does one truly educate a child according to his/her way? 

RESPECT the child. View the child as an individual with likes, dislikes and opinions. 

LISTEN to the child. Watch the child carefully for clues as to their interests, likes, dislikes and opinions. 

TEACH skills and knowledge according to the child's opinions and interests. In this way, skills and lessons are meaningful in an entirely new way and create a solid educational foundation. 


Share the Fire-Drill Procedure

When Fire-alarm sounds, students line up with the classroom teacher and the entrance to classroom. Teachers encourage students to remain quite and reassure them that they are ok, will remain safe and exit quickly. Teacher takes I-Pad, attendance sheet. 

Classes walk out of school building through main preschool entrance or side gate of outdoor classroom. Look both ways and safely cross the street of Cactus Wren students sit by class in the driveway of first house on the block. After attendance is taken classes follow teacher and go back into classroom. 


What is a favorite Staff Lunch? 

Pizza & Instant Noodle Soups 


What are the required Licensing postings in every classroom? 

Dated weekly lesson plan, class roster, daily schedule, snack menu, allergy alerts, emergency plan, evacuation routes, and room capacity. 


What is the new Cell-Phone Policy? 

Cell-Phone to remain in teacher's closet/ purse for the duration of the day. Can not be seen out at all. Class I-Pads and Walkie-Talkies can be used for pictures and emergency communication

Share the Conflict Management Model? 

Why is direct communication and no gossiping important? 

Set a time to speak directly and confidentially with staff member. If additional time is needed let administration know. 

Address challenge in a respectful, solution oriented manner. 

We're all here for the same goal, when we speak directly and support each other we can overcome any challenge and come to a solution. Gossiping and allowing things to fester keep us stuck in the challenge doesn't allow for growth and working through 


Diaper Changing Routine 

Prepare all the supplies that you need next to the changing table; diapers, wipes, gloves etc. 

Put on latex gloves 

Place the child on a table holding him or her in place. Never leave a child unattended. 

Remove clothing If clothing is soiled, bag soiled clotes and securely tie the plastic bag to send home 

Open the Diaper and clean the child with baby wipes from front to back using a fresh wipe each time. Use as many wipes as necessary 

Re-secure diaper with tabs, place in bag and tie up 

Remove latex gloves and dispose of bagged diapers and gloves in a covered lined trash can 

Wash your hands with disposable wipe 

Dispose of the wipe as you did the diaper 

Put the clean diaper on and re-dress the child 

Sanitize the changing table using the bleach solution 

Assist the child in washing his/her hands 

A daily diaper changing log must be kept, with the times and type of diaper changing 


What year was Aleph Bet Founded?