Your patient has a SBP 180, what do you chart? NKDA
PO Amlodipine 5mg
ECG and key features (2)
Atrial fibrillation
- Irregular rhythm
- Absent P waves
What are 3 symptoms that mean AF is complicated?
SOB, light headedness, chest pain
How many joules on the defib?
Your patient has a temperature >38...what do you do?
Sepsis 6
Take lactate, blood cultures, FBC, urine output/MCS and CXR
Give IV Abx, fluids and O2
ECG and key features (3)
- Peaked T waves
- P wave widening/flattening
- PR prolongation
- Bradyarrythmias
- QRS widening
Asymptomatic BP 73/50, mx?
Hypovoleamia (not enough in/too much out = dehydration, poor oral intake, vomiting/diarrhoea/polyuria, bleeding, third spacing)
IVC, VBG, FBC, UEC, Ca, Mg, Phos
IV fluids bolus +/- maintenance) - Stat crystalloids (CSL, Na Saline) or colloid (Albumin 20%, Albumin 5%, Plt/PRBC/FFP)
Inotropes - Adrenaline, dobutamine
Vasopressors - Metaraminol, vasopressin
Post resus care (6)
Re evalutate ABCDE
12 lead ECG
Treat precipitating cause
Aim for O2 >94%, normocapnia and normoglycaemia
Haemodynamic stability
Targeted temp mx
Causes for tachycardia (5)
Arrythmia - AF, flutter, sinus VT, VT, VF, ectopics
Cardiorespiratory disease - PE, cardiac ischaemia (new or old)
Systemic disease - Anaemia, infection, endocrine disease
Drugs - Sympathetics (eg. adrenaline), vasodilators (eg. beta blockers), anticholinergics (eg. atropine, oxybutynin)
Anxiety/pain response - Adrenaline cycle
CXR (Dx and potential cause 3)
R sided pneumothorax
- Secondary to anterior R rib fractures likely due to trauma
DDx for unresponsive patient (10)
Metabolic - B12, thiamine deficiency, serotonin syndrome
Oxygen - Hypoxia
Vascular - HTN emergency, CVA (ischaemic/haemorrhagic)
Electrolytes - UEC/Ca/Mg/Phos + Endocrine
Seizure - Status epilepticus + postictal state
Tumour, Trauma, Temp, Toxins
Uremia - Renal or hepatic +- encaphalopathy
Drugs - Overdose, withdrawal
What are two important meds we give in CPR? (2x name, dose, timing in cylce)
Adrenaline 1mg IV (after 1st non shockable and every second thereafter OR after 2nd shockable, every 2nd thereafter)
Amiodarone 300mg IV after 3rd cycle
ECG, medication review
Calcium gluconate IV 10ml (2.2mmol) over 5 mins
Repeat VBG after 5 mins if ECG changes persist
Frusemide 20-80mg IV push
Salbutamol nebs 10mg (if HR <100)
Insulin 5units in 50ml glucose 50%
Patriromer 8.4-16.8g PO
CXR (Dx and key features 5)
Acute Pulmonary Oedema
Alveolar (Batwing) Oedema (confluent areas and interstitial oedema)
Kerley B Lines
Dilated upper lobe vessels and hilar plump
Pleural effusion
You're called about a 77F admitted for elective cholecystectomy with PMHx HTN, CCF and T2DM, in acute respiratory distress with RR 30 and desaturating...working diagnosis and mx? (5)
Mx =
Lassix - Frusmide
Morphine - If in pain
Nitrates - GTN if BP >90
Oxygen - via NIV for pressure
Positioning - Sit upright
4Hs and 4Ts
Hypoxia, Hypo/hyperthermia, Hypo/hyperkalaemia, Hypovolaemia
Thrombosis, Tamponade, Toxins, Tension pneumothorax
55F 1wk post kidney transplant commenced on tacrolimus needs review for new eye pain. This is her. Dx and acute mx.
Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus
- Aciclovir 10mg/kg IV 8hrly
- Call Ophthalmology
Abdo XR (Dx, key features and potential cause 3)
Small bowel obstruction
- Plicae circularis, air fluid levels and dilation of the bowels 3:6:9 rule)
- Adhesions, blockage (hernia/volvulus/intusussception), cancer
Indication for NIV/BiPAP (3) and CPAP (3)
NIV/BiPAP (Bi-level positive airway pressure)
- COPD with respiratory acidosis (pH <7.35)
- Hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to chest wall deformity (scoliosis, thoracoplasty) or neuromuscular disease
- Weaning from tracheal intubation
CPAP (constant fixed pressure)
- Hypoxia in context of chest wall trauma despite adequate anaesthesia and high flow oxygen (pneumothorax should be ruled out using a chest x-ray prior to commencing CPAP)
- Cardiogenic pulmonary oedema
- Pneumonia
- Obstructive sleep apnoea
COACHED acronym
Compressions continue
Oxygen away
All others away
Charging defib
Head clear, middle clear, bottom clear
Evaluating the rhythm
Defib deliver/dump the shock