What type of healing therapy does Ale practice?
What city did Ale grow up in, in El Salvador?
San Salvador
Which two cousins does Ale consider some of her best friends?
Neyssa and Rox
How do you spell Ale's first name
What is Ale's grandma's name on her dads side?
What does Ale like to do on weekends when she feels like going out?
Go dancing
What street did Ale live on before she moved to Winthrop?
Condor St
Who was Ale's first friend to have a baby?
How did Ale and will meet?
Through working in the community
What is Ale's son's full name?
Edward Javier Patten
What sport did Ale play this summer?
Where was Ale on vacation when there was a hurricane?
Puerto Rico
Which one of Ale's friends just got married?
At what age did Ale become a sister?
Who immigrated to the US first, Ana or Javier?
What is Ale's favorite color?
Ale traveled with Neyssa and Edith last summer - where did they go? (Country and City)
Cancun, Mexico
Which two friends did Ale used to walk to middle school with?
Ale and Guadalupe
How many full time jobs has Ale had since she gradiated college?
How many biological aunts and uncles does Ale have?
What does Ale like to do in her free/alone time?
Ale has a cousin that lives in what European country?
What is Ale's favorite thing to do when she's hanging out one on one with friends?
Have long, meaningful conversations
How many times has Ale had covid?
What city on the west coast does Ale's abuelo live?
Los Angeles