General intelligence of the population was increasing
Why did Alex II establish all these reforms?
What famous nickname did Alex II recieve
Tsar Liberator
The reforms lead to more opposition
Why were conservatives against the reforms?
The reforms were very liberal, and the conservatives feared the rise of revolutionary ideas.
The Orthodox Church was not in control of education anymore, this shift was alarming to conservatives, as it diminished the Church's influence and control over education
When were the educational reforms established?
How many assassination attempts were made on Alex II
The University Regulations of 1863 allowed a freedom of expression for the first time in 70 years
False (50 years)
Which historian said the following quote "He tried to make everybody happy without succeeding at making anybody happy."
Mr Cornish
Why was access to education ultimately restricted?
Conservatives believed it threatened political stability
During his rule he was also the Grand duke of what other country?