Queer Rhetorical Practice
Queer Technology
Rhetorical practices that attempt to negate differences between straights and gays, however well-intentioned and politically effective, may not necessarily be this.
What is queer?
Similar in Haraway, Alexander and Rhodes state that Munoz and Wallace ask that we consider the complexity of ______ and the limitations of binaries, how experiences of race, class, gender, and ethnicity complicate one another.
What is subjectivity?
This calls to the fore the homoeroticism of gyms, sports, frats, and even the military.
What is gay pimp?
Historians and Librarians focusing on LGBT history have to rely a lot on this when they are archiving.
What is ephemera?
Alexander and Losh looked at rhetorical strategies on this platform where individuals documented theory coming out story/narrative in single and multiple videos.
What is YouTube
Queer rhetorical practice focuses more on those strategies that seek to broaden, even to the breaking point, what counts or passes as this.
What is normal?
Both Haraway and Alexander and Rhodes suggest getting away from this dual kind of social structure.
What is binary?
"plays critically with the pathetic image of the dead queer, the only good kind of queer. The death of queers becomes less and less a private matter and erupts publicly to inconvenience the larger polis."
What is the "die in"?
A new logic, asserted by this group, was that Silence = Death.
What is ACT UP?
"Online archives offer us a space in which to enact ______ --the queer archive reworks the network, putting in motion ever-changing chains of connection that break the bonds of static and stable meaning."
What is queer movement?
The ways in which one situates oneself both within and against the various discourses through which we are called to identify.
What is the rhetorical practice of disidentification?
The diversity of queerness gives the lie to our possible reduction to a _______narrative. And that’s the point: the queer is irreducible, uncontainable, itself defying the impoverished logics that reduce desire and intimacy to gay and straight, this or that, male and female, one or the other.
What is universal?
The group Alexander mentions which rhetorically protested the sexist notion of women as 'necessarily nurturing and thus not interested in revenge or vengeance' went by this name.
Who are the Lesbian Avengers?
This queer rhetorical practice is associated with visibility and zaps. Using this is what may be behind putting a giant condom on a politician's house.
What is pathos?
This makes the construction of queer archives both more possible and more challenging.
What is the internet?
This rhetorical appeal is used to discredit queers, even kill them.
What is logos?
If queers are to have agency within ________, they must address how that sphere characterizes itself to itself. In this case, queer lives become intelligible—one wants to say “legible”—only when they articulate themselves in the rhetoric of the dominant.
What is the dominant public sphere?
ACT UP worked to infuse the visual with the verbal in a lot of their counter media. What is the symbol used by the ACT UP poster?
What is the pink triangle.
This protestor's cry has been historically present since the 1980s.
What is We're Here. We're queer. Get used to it.
This hows us not only a particular rhetorical performance but also the ways in which viewers can comment and sometimes respond themselves with video, addressing the effect of the original video and its reception amongst a public.
What are multimedia and interactive platforms?
Alexander suggests a rerouting of social structures, especially what kind of power?
What is discursive power?
Both Alexander and Rhodes and Haraway reference Foucault's theory of _____, which 'recognizes the dense and complicated ways in which sexuality...constitutes a nexus of power.'
What is the theory of biopolitics?
This magazine in the 1950s relies on practices of disidentification.
What is Physique Pictoral?
The lesbian avenger is holding this item in the We Recruit poster.
What is a bomb?
Multimedia and interactive platforms are particularly enabling of such analysis, in that a video on YouTube, for instance, shows us not only a particular rhetorical performance but also the ways in which viewers can comment and sometimes respond themselves with video, addressing the effect of the original video and its reception amongst a public. In short, online archives offer us a space in which to enact __this______—the queer archive reworks the network, putting in motion ever-changing chains of connection that break the bonds of static and stable meaning.
What is queer movement?