What was the outcome of the Peloponnesian War?
Sparta defeated Athens.
Alexander gave the Greeks a common enemy during his rule. Who was this enemy?
Why is Alexander called “Great”?
He conquered a huge area at such a young age.
A great Greek philosopher; a tutor of Alexander the Great; and the author of works on logic, science, and politics
Countries that are friendly to another country in times of war
What happened to the government officials of towns that surrendered to Alexander?
The got to stay in office.
Why did Alexander receive visitors in a tent?
It was a custom of Persian kings.
Alexander told the Greeks that he was the son of
the god Zeus.
In order to help bring unity to his Empire, Alexander especially encouraged Macedonians to marry with
Alexander not only defeated this king but also married his oldest daughter.
King Darius III
What was the result of the division and fighting between Greek city-states?
Phillip II succeeds in Greece
Why was the city of Alexandria, in Egypt, especially famous?
Its library helped make it a center of learning.
In Persia, Alexander allowed the Persians to
run the day-to-day business in their lands.
When Alexander reached northern India, what made him turn back?
His soldiers refused to go any farther.
Alexander insisted that local ____________ and _______________ ________________ communicate solely in Greek.
(150 for each correct answer)
soldiers; government officials
What did Alexander do to help unite the Greeks under his rule?
gave them a common enemy
Alexander built cities to
spread Greek culture.
How did Alexander use religion to help him rule the Egyptians?
He gained their loyalty by honoring their gods.
The war fought between Athens and Sparta that involved other city-states (431 to 404 B.C.E.)
The Peloponnesian War
Alexander demanded that each of his visitors greet him according to Persian custom. A visitor had to kneel in front of the throne and bend over until his head touched the ground. Alexander would then raise the visitor to his feet, kiss him, and address him as “____________________.”
How did Alexander show the influence of his teacher, Aristotle?
In his love of Greek culture.
What was Alexander’s goal for his empire?
to bring different cultures under one government
What happened to Alexander’s empire after he died?
His generals fought for control and it eventually split up.
An ancient kingdom located north of Greece
What is the term given for the time period between Alexander's death, and the rise of the Roman Empire?
The Hellenistic Period