What is Alex's Birthday
June 9th
What is Fabio's middle name?
Where was Alex and Fabio’s first vacation together?
Puerto Rico
What is Alex's "go to" cocktail order?
Spicy Margarita
What is Fabio's birthday?
February 4th
What bar did Alex and Fabio go to on their first date?
Crocodile Lounge
What social media platform did Alex post "How do I get out of this?" on while high at a gentleman's apartment in the middle of the night?
What was the name of the Las Vegas stranger that Alex traveled to Hawaii with?
What pet did Fabio have when Alex and he first started dating?
Turtle (Doug!)
Jaffa (or Williamsburg)
At what New York City Bar did Alex get banned for life after calling the general manager a “freaky little goblin”?
Houston Hall
Alex and Dana hooked up with roommates from this infamous Murray Hill apartment building.
View 34
Where did Fabio go to college?
Where is Alex and Fabio's honeymoon?
Mexico City
Alex's former boss's husband is the twin of this celebrity.
Kyle MacLauchlan (Trey MacDougal)
Alex's former boss's husband is the twin of this celebrity.
Kyle MacLauchlan (Trey MacDougal)