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Science-x10^X stuff

Not yellow nor red nor blue nor purple, but this color is my favorite one.

What is Green?


A dog chews 6 shoes whose shoes were yours he chose to chew, then chooses 7 shoes to chew, totaling chewing this many shoes.

What are 13?


This artist was originally a country singer, before transitioning into pop music, now they're the most listened to in the world, according to Spotify anyway.

Who Is Taylor Swift?


Although school only teaches 3, this other common state of matter may have the nerdy kid in the back of class correct his teacher.

What is Plasma?


Also known as "Snow Mexicans," the residents of this country have a reputation of politeness.

What is Canada?


Born in 2006, to parents Marti and Laramie, this full legal name belongs to your very own host.

Who is Timothy Alexander Crim?


If a woodchuck could chuck 7 wood per second and the woodchuck chucked 21 wood then the woodchuck chucked wood for this long.

What are 3 seconds?


First releasing an EP aptly titled "One", this UK band went on to gain great popularity with their 2023 album that incorporated elements of Rock, EDM, Pop, and even Gospel music.

Who is Sleep Token?


This element is the most abundant and makes up about 75% the mass of our universe, though only about 10% of your body.

What is Hydrogen?


South of Germany and north of Italy, this European nation is often known for it's wealth and neutrality.

What is Switzerland?


Although an acronym, my favorite subject, or group of subjects, forms another English word.



Sally went to the sea shore to sell sea shells. If Sally started with seventy-Seven shells, and sold Sixty-Six shells, then Sally had this many sea shells by the sea shore.

What are Eleven?


This popular EDM producer, best know for his collaborations with popular artists like Justin Bieber and Missy Elliot, first got his start as a Dub-step producer.

Who is Skrillex?


Proposed by popular physicist, "____'s Field Equations" relate the geometry of spacetime to the distribution of matter within it.

Who is Einstein?


The official currency of an Asian nation best known for anime and sea food, seems like it's missing it's "Yang."

What is Yin?


According to the MBTI, and yours truly, this of the 16 personality types presented by the 16 personalities model describes me.

What is INTP?


Peter Piper picked a dozen pickled peppers. A dozen and an half more means Peter Piper picked plenty pickled peppers, this many.

What are 30?


This artist exploded in popularity during the early days of the pandemic, becoming quickly known for his sigma imposter plays, and deep gravely voice.

Who is Corpse/Corpse Husband?


A different form of energy production, opposite to the popular form of fission.

What is Fusion?


With the colors of it's flag matching that of a European country, this African country is remembered by it's alpha male like name.

What is Chad?


Similar to the game we're playing now in many ways, this popular game show is my personal favorite.

What is Jeopardy!?


A keen clam can cram in a clean cream can, when a clean cream can can cram in 3 clams. This many keen clams can cram in a clean cream can if the cream can has crammed 3 clams.

What are 0?


Taking his name from a single digit number, this trap artist is best known for their song "Psycho," which features a sample from the classic "Nyan Cat" meme.

Who Is 7xvn?


Thought to be where life on Earth first originated, this hot bubbly mixture is known as "____ Soup."

What is Primordial?


Getting it's name from the river it borders at it's north, this African country is one of two in the world starting with a "Z."

What is Zimbabwe?