Linear Functions
Quadratic Functions
Exponential Functions
Absolute Value/Inequality
Word Problems
In the equation y = 5, the 5 is the...
What is y-intercept
How many real solutions does the equation x^2 - 2x + 5 = 0
What is there are no real roots
If x = 3 and y = 2 •3^x, solve for y
What is 54
What is the smallest integer that satisfies the equation -6x < -18? (1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 6
What is (2) 4
Which system of equations can be used to model the following scenarios? There are 50 animals. Some of the animals have 2 legs and the rest of them have 4 legs. In total there are 172 legs.
What is (1) x + y = 172 (2) y + 50 = x 2x + 4y = 50 4y + 172 = 2x (3) x + 50 = y (4) x + y = 50 2x + 172 = 4y 2x + 4y = 172
Solve for 'a' in the equation h = a • b + r in terms of h, b, and r.
What is a = (h-r)/b
State the quadratic formula.
What is x= -b + or the square root of b^2 - 4ac all over 2a
What do you call a line where exponential functions approaches but, doesn't touch?
What is asymptotes.
Evaluate the expression - | -7 + 4 | =
What is -3
Amelia buys an empty sticker album and some sticker sheets. The equation that relates the total cost for the empty sticker album and 'N' sticker sheets is P= 0.75N + 300. What does the number 0.75 in the equation represent? (1) The cost of the empty sticker album (2) The cost of each sticker sheet (3) The cost of all N sticker sheets (4) The total cost of the empty sticker album and all 'N' sticker sheets
What is (2) The cost of each sticker sheet
The system of equations 5x - 4y = -3 3x + 27 = 7 has the same solution as the system (1) 5x - 4y = -3 (3) 5x - 4y = -3 6x + 4y = 7 6x + 4y = 14 (2) 5x - 4y = -3 (4) 5x - 4y = -3 6x + 2y = 14 9x + 6y = 14
What is (3) 5x - 4y = -3 6x + 4y = 14
Factor the quadratic y = x^2 - 6x + 8 and then tell me the zeros of the parabola
What is (x-2) and (x-4) and the zeros are 2 and 4.
What is the value of x in the equation 4^(x+2) = 1 (1) 2 (3) -2 (2) -1 (4) 0
What is (3) -2
What is the maximum point of the equation f(x) = - | x + 9|
What is the vertex point which is (-9,0)
After Allie takes some medicine, each hour the number of milligrams of medicine (M) remaining in her body after t minutes can be modeled with the equation M=200(1-0.27)^t. Which number represents the decay rate? (1) 0.27 (2) 200 (3) 0.73 (4) 146
What is (1) 0.27
In order to eliminate the y from the system of equations, 3x + 12y = 21 6x + 4y = 22 you could (1) Multiply both sides of the first equation by -2 (2) Multiply both sides of the second equation by -3 (3) Multiply both sides of the first equation by -3 (4) Multiply both sides of the second equation by (1/2)
What is (3) Multiply both sides of the first equation by -3
Solve this system of equations algebraically. y= x^2 y = 2x + 3
What is (-1,1) and (3,9)
In what interval is the graph of y = 1.5^x increasing? (1) Always (3) When x >or equal to 0 (2) Never (4) When x < or equal to 0
What is (1) Always
How does the graph of f(x) = | x - 5 |+ 2 shift from the parent function f(x) = |x|?
What is it shifted to the right 5 and up 2
The height of a projectile thrown in the air can be modeled with the equation h= -16t^2 + 48t + 160, where t is the number of seconds. At 1.5 seconds, how high will the projectile reach?
What is 196 ft.
All of these ordered pairs are part of the shaded region for the inequality 2x + y < 12 except (1) (2,7) (2) (3,4) (3) (5,3) (4) (5,0)
What is (3) (5,3)
X= -4 is the x-coordinate of the vertex for the parabola defined by which equation? (1) y= x^2+8x+3 (2) y= x^2-8x+3 (3) y= x^2+4x+3 (4) y= x^2-4x+3
What is (1) y= x^2+8x+3
The population (P) of a town after tyeas can be modeled with the equation P= 20,000(1.07)^t. What does the 20,000 represent? (1) The growth rate (2) The percent increase each year (3) The population after 't' years (4) The starting population of the town
What is (4) The starting population of the town
Find when f(x) =2|4x+2| crosses the x-axis.
What is at x= -.05
There are 900 birds in a forest. Each year the bir population increases by 12%. Which equation relates the bird population (P) to the number of years that have passed? (1) P=900(1.12)^t (2) P=900(0.12)^t (3) P=900(0.88)^t (4) t=900(1.12)^P
What is (1) P=900(1.12)^t