The most "famous" irrational number. A day is named after it.
What is Pi?
SOLVE: 5(2z+1)−3=37
What is z=4?
the cube root of 125
what is 5?
What is x ≤ 5 and x > 2?
The name of the principal for the AAJHS is______________
what is mr. Campbell?
all _______________ are irrational numbers
wha its non perfect square and cube roots?
What is y=7?
the square root of 400
what is 20?
What is 1 ≤ y < 6?
This is the most abundant gas in the Earth’s atmosphere.
What is Nitrogen?
rational numbers must be able to be expressed as a ____________
What is a fraction (or quotient) of two integers?
What is x=14?
the cube root of 8 multiplied by 10
What is 20?
What is x ≥ 1 or x < 1?
This is the largest mammal on Earth.
What is the blue whale?
rational number + rational number =______________
what is a rational number?
What is x=3?
square root of 144 multiplied by the square root of 144
What is 144?
What is 1.2 ≤ y ≤ 4?
This American author wrote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
Who is Mark Twain?
what is both rational and irrational answers?
What is x=11?
cube root of 27 divided by 9 is _________________
what is 1/3?
What is x < 7 or x ≥ 3?
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution are called this.
What are the Bill of Rights?