Name That Formula
Put Your Stuff in Order
Solve the Problem
What is the Probability?
The Missing Piece is . . .
Multiply length x width x height
What is volume?
Put the following numbers in order from least to greatest: -2/3, -0.3, 1 1/4, 1.2, 1/10
What is -2/3, -0.3, 1/10, 1.2, 1 1/4
Karen has to travel 4250 miles. Her plane travels at a speed of 250 miles per hour. How many hours does it take her to get there?
What is 17 hours?
Find the probability of rolling an odd number with a standard die.
What is 1/2?
Area of a Circle = Pi x ? squared
What is radius?
Name the object and formula for the following equation: a (side) squared + b (side) squared = hypotenuse squared
What is the Pythagorean Theorem?
Put the following numbers in order from least to greatest: 4 squared, 8 to the 0 power, 2 to the third power, 3 to the second power and 0 to the 4th power
What is 0, 1, 8, 9, 16?
The average of Paula's two test scores must be 80 or more for her to get at least a B in the class. She got a 72 on her first test. Determine the minimum grade she would need to score on her second test to make at least a B in the class.
What is 88 or higher?
Find the probability of rolling a seven using a pair of standard dice.
What is 1/6?
Area of a Triangle = 1/2 x ? x height
What is base?
Solve the equation r = g-s/2d in terms of g.
What is 2dr+s = g?
Put the following monomials in order of degree from highest to lowest: 4x to the 5th power, 6x to the 3rd power, 3x squared, 2x, -3x to the 4th
What is 2x, 3x squared, 6x to the third power, -3x to the 4th, 4x to the 5th power?
Gloria earns 1.5 times her normal hourly pay for each hour that she works over 40 hours in a week. Her normal pay is p dollars per hour. Last week Gloria worked 47 hours and earned $489.85. The following equation represents this situation where p is Gloria's normal hourly pay in dollars per hour. 40p + 7(1.5p) = 489.85
What is $9.70?
Find the probability of drawing a heart and then a Jack, Queen, or King with replacement from a standard deck of cards.
What is 3/169?
Name the form of the following equation: Ax+By=C
What is Standard Form?
Name the object and formula for the following equation: 2(lw + hw + hl)
What is Surface Area of a Rectangular Prism?
Solve the following equation in terms of z: (t+s)/2r - z = q
What is -2rq + (t+s) = z?
Solve the following proportion: x-2/28 = x/30
What is x = 30?
A bag of marbles contains 6 blue marbles, 4 red marbles, 3 purple marbles, and 2 silver marbles. Find the probability of drawing a blue or red marble.
What is 2/3?
7x + 28 - 3x = 2(x - 4)
What is x = -18?
Name the object and formula for the equation given: Pi x r squared x height
What is volume of a cylinder?
Solve the following riddle: A doctor and son are in a car accident. They are both injured and taken in separate ambulances to different hospitals. The son is wheeled into surgery, the doctor comes in says, "I can't operate. This boy is my son." Who is the doctor?
Who is the boy's mother?
Jake is considering accepting one of two sales positions. ABC Company offers a yearly salary of $45,000. XYZ Company offers a yearly salary of $38,000 plus a 2% annual commission on sales. Determine the amount of sales he would need to produce for Company XYZ to earn a salary equal to or greater than Company ABC.
What is $350,000 in sales or higher?
A bag of marbles contains 6 blue marbles, 4 red marbles, 3 purple marbles, and 2 silver marbles. Find the probability of drawing a purple or silver marble on the first draw and then a blue marble on the second draw without replacement.
What is 1/7?
4(2x-3) + 5x = 24 + 7x
What is x=6?