Name the Operation
Area of Composite Figures
Financial Literacy
Find the Relationship

There are 9 cupcakes. Each cupcake has 8 sprinkles. How many sprinkles are there in all? 

Name the operation: addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division

What is multiplication? 

9x8=total sprinkles

The three steps to finding the area of a composite figure are...

What is 

1. Split up the figure.

2. Find the areas.

3. Add them together.


I want to buy a car. The car will cost me a lot of money. I don't have enough yet, so I need to create a ________ ______. 

What is a savings plan?


What is B. 32?

Another word for information.

What is data?


Being a teacher is a job based on a person's _____ .

What is human captial?


There were 365 stamps. I used 98. Julia used the rest. How many stamps did Julia use? 

Name the operation: addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division

What is subtraction?

365-98=Stamps Julia used


The name of an irregular shaped figure made up of various parts.

What is a composite figure?


I want to buy a new set of dishes for my kitchen. When I purchase this good, it is called ______.

What is spending?


Candi uses 4 red color tiles and 5 blue color tiles to make a design. How many tiles will she need to repeat her design 5 times? 

F. 45 

G. 20 

H. 25 

J. 9

What is F. 45?


The equation between number pairs, or the rule of the table.

What is relationship?


First question in the characteristics of operations.

Did they ask me to find the total or did they give me the total?

Melissa had some pennies. Mia gives her 99 more. Now melissa has 154 pennies. How many pennies did Melissa start with? 

Name the operation: addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division

What is subtraction?

154-99=Pennies she had to begin with.


The area of this composite figure in units is _____.

What is 23 units?


The bank might give me a _____ if I don't have enough money to pay for college.

What is a loan?


What is C. Multiply by 6?


Buying goods or services now with an agreement to pay it back later.

What is credit?


Name of the part of a graph that tells you how much each picture or dot is worth.

What is a key?


Each student in Mrs. Green's class has 3 notebooks. There are 20 students in the class. How many notebooks are there in all? 

Name the operation: addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division

What is multiplication?

20x3=total notebooks


The area of this composite figure is_______.

What is 34 ft.?
During the beginning of COVID, the grocery stores ran almost completely out of toilet paper. This situation is called _______.

What is scarcity? 


What is H. The chef uses 9 eggs to make 3 omelets?


Job based on the value of a person's education, skills, health, or experience.

What is human capital?


Mrs. Ochoa has two sons, Oliver and Brady. Oliver was given $20 for his allowance. Brady was given $10. How much money do they have in all?

Name the operation: addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division

What is addition? 

$20 + $10 = $30


There are 7 rocks in each box. There are 28 rocks in all. How many boxes are there?

Name the operation: addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division

What is division?

28/7=number of boxes


The area of this composite figure is _______.

What is 32 cm.?


When paying back my college loan, I had to give them more money than I originally borrowed. I paid the bank _______.

What is intrest?


What is C. 15? 


Human effort to produce a good or service.

What is labor?

Anddy has become a famous artist. She draws pictures in children's books. Her job is based on her skills. 

Human Capital or Labor?

What is human capital?