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A feeding tube placed into the stomach through the abdominal wall.

What is a PEG tube?


This is the most essential nutrient for life

What is water?


Name the fat-soluble vitamins

What is A,D,E, & K?


Name the water-soluble vitamins

What is B & C?

a feeding tube that is inserted into the nose and goes to the stomach.

What is a nasogastric tube?


carbohydrates that are broken down by the body into simple sugars for energy; found in foods such as bread, cereal, potatoes, rice, pasta, vegetables, and fruits.

What are complex carbohydrates?


During feedings the head of the bed should be elevated ______ degrees. Resident should stay upright after eating as long as ordered (at least ____ minutes).

What is 45 degrees/30 minutes?


_______ ________ list the resident’s name and information about special diets, allergies, likes and dislikes, and other dietary instructions.

What is diet cards?


medications that reduce fluid volume in the body.

What is diuretics?


A doctor orders the necessary thickness after evaluation by a ______ ___________

What is a speech therapist?


NAs should never rush _________

What is mealtime?


difficulty swallowing.

What is dysphagia?


Name (2) symptoms of dehydration

what is...

•Dry mouth

•Cracked lips

•Sunken eyes

•Dark urine

•Strong-smelling urine

•Weight loss

•Complaints of abdominal pain


swelling caused by excess fluid in body tissues.

What is edema?


Prevention of __________ is an ongoing job for the care team

What is dehydration?


Name (2) symptoms of fluid overload

What is...

•Swelling of extremities

•Weight gain

•Decreased urine

•Shortness of breath

•Increased heart rate


•Skin that appears tight, smooth, and shiny


a condition that occurs when the body cannot handle the amount of fluid consumed.

What is fluid overload?


medications that reduce fluid volume in the body.

What are diuretics?


Name (2) things that should be reported if observed during or after tube feedings

What is...

•Redness/drainage around opening

•Skin sores or bruises

•Cyanotic skin

•Resident complaints of pain or nausea

•Choking or coughing



Name (2) reasons fluid intake is important

what is...

•Drinking at least 64 ounces per day can help prevent constipation and urinary incontinence

•Dilutes wastes and flushes out urinary system

•May help prevent confusion


NAs should know that 7 oz = ______ mL

What is 210 mL?


NAs should report these signs and symptoms of swallowing problems to the nurse:

(name 2)

what is...

•Coughing during or after meals

•Choking during meals

•Dribbling saliva, food, or fluid from the mouth

•Having food residue inside the mouth or cheeks during and after meals

•Gurgling during or after meals or losing voice

•Eating slowly

•Avoiding eating

•Spitting out pieces of food

•Swallowing several times per mouthful

•Clearing the throat frequently during and after meals

•Watering eyes when eating or drinking

•Food or fluid coming up into the nose

•Making a visible effort to swallow

•Breathing rapidly while eating or drinking

•Difficulty chewing food

•Difficulty swallowing medications


NAs should know that 1 oz = _______ mL

What is 30 mL?


Abbreviation for nothing by mouth from the Latin nil per os; medical order that means a person should not have anything to eat or drink.

What is NPO?


NAs should know that 1 cup = ______ oz

What is 8 oz?