The prophet & his Family
The Marriage

When was Fatima, the daughter of the prophet, born?

610, the first year of prophethood.


What is the arabic term for the family of Nabi?

Ahlul Bayt


Who was Ruqayyas husband when she died at the time of the Battle Of Badr?



Which year was Ali Born in?



Who was Bilal ibn Al Rabah?

He was an abysnian slave who became a Muslim early on, was the muathin(person who would make Athan).


What was Fatima’s nickname(Prophets Daughter)?

The beloved one, daughter of the beloved one 


At what age did Fatima migrate to Medina with her father?



What was Uthmans nickname and why?

The possessor of 2 lights as he married 2 of the prophets daughters: Um Kulsoom and Ruqayya 


On what day did Ali accept Islam?



Name the children of the prophet from Khadija

Qasim, Zaynab, Ruqayya, Um Kulsoom, Fatima and Abdullah


Fatima was named after who, and what does Fatima mean?

The mother of Khadija, and it means ‘one who is full term and weened’ 


What is the meaning of Al Batool?

One who turns back to Allah


What was the mahar amount that Ali thought he could get initially and what was it finally?

Shield worth 4Dhs but Uthman buys it for 400Dhs and he manges another 80Dhs. 


How many days separated the death of Khadija and Abu talib? 

3 days


What would the prophet do when Fatima came into a room with him in it?

He would stand up, kiss her on the forehead and take her to sit her down where he was previously sitting. Fatima would do the same for the prophet.


Why was Fatima given the the nickname ‘the mother of her father’?

Because of her love and compassion towards the prophet


Describe the incident when the prophet was asked who his favourite in his family was. Mention the 2 other males that the prophet loved as well as the household’s feelings towards the prophets reply.

Abbas and Ali asked the prophet who his favourite in the family was. He said Fatima. The prophets love for Fatima made some in their household jealous


What happens during the moodiyamanam?

Ali and Fatima wait nervously for Nabi. He asks them to continue siting when he enters, makes wudu, pours water on Ali and makes Dua, calls Fatima and calms her by saying that i've married u to a beloved person from my family and then made Dua for them both.  


Fatima, the mother of Ali, was a first. What was it?

The first hashimi woman to accept Islam.


Please describe the incident that caused the prophet to make dua against someone?

Abu Jahl and Uqba ibn Abu Mueet plotted to humiliate the prophet by dumping the insides of a camel onto his back while he was praying at the Kaaba. Due to this, the prophet prayed against them (and 5 others) as the prophet was saddened by the pain in his daughters face. 


The prophet was physically beaten in mecca how many times according to the class. How did his daughter care for him and at what was the earliest age she helped the prophet?

8 times. She cleaned the wounds and comforted him while only 10 years old


Give an example of how Nabi shows that only ones own action can lead to going to Jannah.

When Allah revealed “call your closest relatives, and warn them, he only called out to Safiyya bint Abd el Mutallib (aunt of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم (and Fatima bint Rasul Allah (daughter of the Messenger of Allah), “ask me anything you want of my wealth in this world, but I cannot testify on your behalf with God on the Day of Judgement”.


What lesson can we learn from the wedding?

1) Mahar is not something that we should be extravagant on - it should be a blessing and treated as such

2) Its a community event - Uthamn helps with mahar, bilal helps with perfume purchase, umm salamah helps with furniture, Nabi asks abubakar and ammar ibn yasir to purchase clothes for the couple and other essentials, ayesha and umm salamah readies the house and the Nabi himself prepares the bed.     

3) Simple wedding meal


What might be the wisdom of Allah behind Khadija RA not nursing Ali?

So that Ali could marry Fatima in the future


What is the dua the prophet made regarding Abu Jahl and Umar ibn Al Khattab?

He made dua to Allah to make one of Umars to become Muslim to strengthen it. Umar Khattab fulfilled this dua. Abu Jahal's name was Amr bin Hashim