What is the name of the prophets (saw) daughter that Ali (r) married
Fatimah (ra)
What is the name of Ali (r) father
Abu Talib
How many years did Ali (r) rule as a khalifah
5 years
What khalifah number id Ali (r)
The fourth khalifah
How old was Ali (r) when the prophet (saw) first received the revelation
10 years old
how many kids did Ali (r) have
3 sons and 2 daughters
How old was Ali (r) when he passed away
61 years old
How is Ali (r) related to the prophet
They are cousins
When the prophet (saw) was about to make hijrah to Madinah, a specific incident with Ali took place. What was it
Ali (r) slept in the prophets (saw) bed tricking the enemies so that the prophet can escape in secret
Ali (r) loved something specific what was it
Education and knowledge
How old was Ali (r) when he became the khalifah
56 years old
Who took care of Ali (r) until he became a young man
The prophet (saw)
What does fitnah mean
Wide spread disagreements amongst the Muslims
What are the names of two of Ali (r) sons
Al-Hasan and Al-Husain
What cause Ali (r) to pass away
He was stabbed by the extremists and dies from his injuries
How many years did the civil war amongst the Muslims last
5 years
There were two battles that were fought when Ali (r) was khalifah, what are the names of the two battles
1) Battle of the camel
2) Battle of Siffin
What are two names that were given to Ali (r)
1) Asadullah
2) Babul Ilm
What year did Ali (r) become khalifah
656 C.E.
After what battle did Ali (r) marry the prophets (saw) daughter
Battle of Badr