When is it Alices birthday?
17 october 2012.
When is it Marís birthday?
28 June 2012.
Wich year were we born in?
How many cm higher then Alice is Marí?
Does Marí like drawing?
What is Alices favourite animals?
Leopard, sloth and dog.
What is Marís favourite animal?
Polar bears and Cows.
Wich of us is oldest?
What is Alices height?
174 cm.
Does any of us go swimming after school?
What is Alices favourite color/colors?
Blue, Pink and red.
What is Marís favourite color/colors?
Pink and Green.
Wich streaming app does Marí prefer to use?
What is Marís height?
163 cm.
Wich freetime activities does Marí do after school?
Karate, Hip Hop and climbing.
What is Alices shoe size?
What is Marís shoe size?
What is Alices favorite superhero?
Spiderman and Black Widow.
How many cm are Marí and Alice together?
337 cm.
Wich freetime activities does Alice do after school?
Volley and drama.
What does Alice want to be when she gets older?
What does Marí want to be when she gets older?
Confectioner or chef.
Wich streaming app does Alice prefer to use?
How many cm higher is Alice then Marí?
11 cm
Wich activities does Alice WANT to go to?
Singing lessons.