Strange events
life lessons
madness and logic

Why and how does Alice enter Wonderland?

Because she us curious and follows a rabbit, then falls down a whole to Wonderland


What happens when Alice drinks the shrinking potion?

She becomes tiny and struggles to enter the door to Wonderland


What lesson does Alice learn by the end of her journey?

She learns to trust herself and think independently. 


Why does Alice struggle to understand Wonderland rules? 

Because they are inconsistent and keep changing


What happens when Alice drinks from the bottle labeled ‘drink me’?

She shrinks to a very small size.


why is the white rabbit always in a hurry?

He fears being late for the queen of Hearts, who rules through fear.


What happens when Alice eats the cake in the rabbit’s house?

She grows so large that she gets stuck inside.


What does Wonderland symbolize in Alice’s life?

It represent childhood imagination, confusion and growing up.


What is the strangest thing about the tea party?

Time is stuck and characters talk nonsense.


What effect does eating the cake labelled ‘eat me’ have on Alice?

Alice grows to am enormous size.


What makes the Cheshire cat unique?

He appears and disappears at will, speaks in riddles and never gives direct answers


How does the Cheshire cat disappear?

He slowly fades away, leaving only his grin.


What does the White rabbit‘s watch represent?

The pressure of time and responsabillity.


How does the Mad Hatter explain time?

He treats time as a person and believes it can be stopped.


What does Alice first find when she enters the rabbit hole?

She finds a small door that leads to a room, but she doesn’t fit through.


How does the Mad Hatter behave at the tea party?

He is unpredictable, speaks nonsense and acts as if time doesnt matter.


Why is the Queen’s croquet game so weird?

The mallets are flamingos, the balls are hedgehogs, and the rules keep changing.


What does the Queen of hearts represent?

She represents uncontrolled power and irrational authority.


Why do characters in Wonderland speak in riddles?

To confuse Alice and challenge how she thinks.


Who does Alice meet at the tea party?

She meets the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, and the dormouse.


What is the Queen of Heart’s favorite phrase and why does she say it?

“Off with their heads” because she rules through fear and intimidation.


Why does Alice get frustrated at the tea party?

The conversation is full of nonsense and nobody listens to her


How does the Cheshire cat‘s advice help Alice?

He teachers her that wonderland has its own logic, and that she must find her own way.


Who does the White Rabbit’s constant rushing symbolize the theme of madness in Wonderland?

He is always in a hurry, symbolizing the frantic, unpredictable nature of wonderland.


What is the name of the cat who gives Alice cryptic advice?

The Cheshire Cat


How does Alice’s personality change throughout the story?

She starts as polite and curious, but becomes more assertive and confident


Why is the trial in Wonderland completely unfair?

The Queen decides the verdict before any evidence is shown.


What does the Tea Party symbolize?

It represent chaos and the idea that some social rules make no sense.


What does the phrase “we’re all mad here” mean in the context of Wonderland?

It suggests that in wonderland, everyone is a little crazy, and normal rules of logic dont apply.


What is the caterpillar’s favorite question to Alice? 

‘Who are you?’


How does the caterpillar treat Alice and what lesson does he teach her?

He is rude but wise, making Alice think about who she is and helping her realize she is changing


What happens when Alice eats the mushroom given to her by the caterpillar?

One side makes her grow, the other shrinks her, showing how wonderland is unpredictable.


How does Alice in Wonderland reflect real world problems?

It critiques authority, rules that dont make sense and the confusion of growing up.


What is the deeper meaning behind Wonderland’s illogical rules?

They challenge social norms and force Alice to question authority.


What does the rabbit keep repeating throughout the story?

He repeats ‘Oh dear, oh dear, i shall be late!’


What is the significance of the March Hare and Dormouse at the tea party?

They represent the madness of Wonderland, one is wild, the other sleepy, and their conversations make no sense


Why does Alice struggle with Wonderland‘s logic?

Wonderland follows no consistent rules, making it impossible for Alice to predict anything.


What life lesson does Alice learn when she challenges authority figures like the Queen?

She learns the importance of standing up to unfair authority, and thinking for herself.


How does Wonderland‘s madness reflect the real world?

It points out that often, society follows illogical rules and unfair systems.


What is the Unbirthday party?

It is a celebration of everyday that is not a birthday. It help proving the craziness of Wonderland.


How do Alice and the Queen contrast as characters?

Alice is logical, curious and kind, while the Queen is irrational, emotional and power-hungry. The contrast between reason and chaos.


How does Alice finally is able to leave Wonderland?

She realizes that Wonderland isnt real, and by standing up to the queen, she wakes up from her dream.


How does Alice’s constant growth and shrinking symbolize personal change?

It symbolizes the ups and owns of personal growth, teaching that change is a natural part of life and growing up.


Why does Alice struggle to understand the Mad Hatter’s riddles?

His riddles dont follow logical patters, making them impossible to solve


How does Alice escape from the trial?

She grows large, refuses to follow the rules, saying the trial is ridiculous and walking away.