Atlantic Puffin
Least Chipmunk
Arctic Fox
Western Lowland Gorillas

True or false:

Some people used to think puffins were part fish and part bird.

TRUE. That's because these birds are excellent swimmers and divers that spend most of the year far out at sea.


True or false:

A least chipmunk is so heavy it scampers across only strong branches.

FALSE. At no more than 2 ounces, the chipmunk weighs less than a magazine. Half of its 8 inch length is its tail.


 True or false:

 Arctic fox numbers can depend on lemming numbers.

TRUE. Many arctic foxes eat mainly small rodents called lemmings. If there are more lemmings, more fox pups are born.


 True or false:

 Western lowland gorilla groups often fight each other. 

FALSE. In fact, silverbacks—the mature older males—frequently call out so other gorilla bands will avoid them. 


 True or false:

 These creatures wouldn't hurt a fly. 

FALSE. OK, they don't eat flies, but they kill and eat other whales, seals, see lions, penguins, walruses, and a variety of fish and squid. Orcas are called killer whales.


True or false:

Watching puffins land, you might think, "What a klutz!"

FALSE. Though they spend most of their life at sea, these birds are  skilled at coming in for landing on solid ground. 


True or false:

To be called "busy as a chipmunk" can be considered a compliment.  

TRUE. A chipmunk was seen storing 478 acorns. Another stored 2,000 cherry pits, and one put away 3,700 blueberry seeds. 


 True or false:

 Seal pups are sometimes on the arctic fox's menu.

TRUE. A fox can smell A seal den a mile away. It dives headfirst through the snow or digs into a seals lair to catch a seal pup. 


 True or false:

 Adults cannot climb trees. 

FALSE. Younger gorillas are more agile, but adults can climb if they want to. 


 True or false:

  Black-and-white coloration makes its presence obvious. 

FALSE. It's coloration makes it hard for prey to see the orca—until it's too late.


True or false:

Once a puffin catches a fish, it must eat it before catching another.

FALSE. A spine-covered tongue and roof of his mouth secure fish as the puffin continues hunting for more.


True or false:

It uses its little paws to carry small loads of seeds to its den.

FALSE. It fills it's cheek pouches with seeds, stuffing in enough The pouches stretch to the same size as its head. 


 True or false:

 These foxes suffer in the cold.

FALSE. They don't even begin to shiver until it's -94°F. there built to stay warm, with extra fat in the winter and dense fur even between the foot pads. 


 True or false:

 Baby lowland gorilla grow up fast. 

TRUE. Baby gorillas develop physically about twice as fast as humans do. 


 True or false :

 The NFL could use a newborn calf's size and strength. 

TRUE. The 8-foot-long, 350-pound new-born could add some muscle to a team, but it's mom probably wouldn't let it play. 


True or false:

A flying puffin's wings move so fast they're just a blur.

TRUE. The wings flap up to 400 times a minute (or almost 7 times a second).


True or false:

a chipmunk watches out for snakes.

TRUE. Depending on where it lives, other predators might include owls, hawks, weasels, cats, foxes, coyotes, and martens.


 True or false:

 They're always white.

FALSE. Arctic foxes can be white, brown, or blueish-gray. The color depends on what time of the year it is. 


 True or false:

Scientists estimate gorilla population sizes by counting nests. 

TRUE. Every night, individuals (or moms with babies) make their own leafy nests, which they only use once.


 True or false:

 If you're spending the day with a 8,000-pound orca, you'll need 50 cans of tuna to keep his tummy full. 

FALSE. You'll need to have more than 650 cans of tuna to keep your friend full!


 True or false:

Atlantic puffins are rare.

FALSE. There are some 12 to 15 million of them 


True or false:

Chipmunks don't hibernate.

TRUE. Although they sleep a lot during winter, they do wake up to eat. 


 True or false:

 And arctic fox's home is probably older than yours.

TRUE. Dens are used for generations some are even 300 years old.


 True or false :

 A gorilla make get a tickle in his throat while it eats.

TRUE. Caterpillars, termites, and other insects make up part of its diet. Mostly it eats fruits, seeds, leaves, and stems. 


 True or false:

  Orcas dive the deepest of all whale species. 

FALSE. Since the food is usually near the surface, so are they.