Carissa's favorite Frappe from Starbucks.
Strawberries and Creme
Carissa goes here to school.
Williamsville High School
Carissa has this many sisters
Carissa hates when people are this.
Besides just playing an instrument, Carissa also is this role for our band.
Drum Major
Carissa's favorite soda to get from McDonalds
Candle chain that Carissa loves.
Yankee Candle
Carissa's Birthday.
May 20th
Like many people Carissa dislikes this type of produce.
Carissa plays this woodwind instrument.
The Lord's Chicken
Chick fil a
Carissa dances at this Company.
Kinner and Co.
Carissa sings this vocal part in choir, VJ, and Madrigals.
Carissa often faints or gets light headed when seeing this liquid.
Carissa's dream role for Madrigals.
Lead Peasant
Carissa packs this in her lunch almost everyday
Mac and Cheese Cup
Carissa has been to Disney this many times
(2 answers accepted)
5 or 6
Carissa's kindergarten teacher.
Fast food chain that Carissa despises
Taco Bell
Carissa started dance at this age.
Carissa's favorite school lunch.
Mozzarella Sticks
College Carissa attended band camp at.
Carissa's Turtles names. (2 answers needed)
Tubby and Blubby
Carissa does not like this type of food in general.
Chinese Food
Carissa makes baby socks using this method.