True or False: At lunch we have free time to play.
True: The first 20 minutes you will have time to eat lunch and talk with peers. The last 10 minutes you can play basketball or catch up with friends and enjoy the courtyard.
You get lost on campus and can't remember where your class is, what do you do?
We are here to help, so just ask!
Who is responsible for making sure you have assignments turned in?
You are!! Your teachers will not track you down to get assignments or for you to make up work or tests. It is your responsibility to get with them when you miss something and to turn in everything.
How do I know about after school fun events?
Emails go out weekly with upcoming events, our website has a calendar and make sure to listen to daily announcements they always have the information you need!
True or False: I can use my lunch money for Food Truck Friday.
False. Make sure to bring cash or apple pay for Food Truck Fridays which happens once a month!
I am nervous about starting middle school, what should I do?
Go to the 7th grade orientation on July 11 before school starts to get to know other students be placed with a WEB leader and get to know the campus.
What if I miss a class or day of school? How do I get the homework or makeup work?
It is important to communicate with your teachers and ask what you missed. Unfortunately, teachers are not going to chase you down to give you missing work.
What are some fun school activities I can participate in after school?
We have many different clubs on campus. If you don't see a club you are interested in, create your own!
We also have sports each quarter.
True or False:
I can use the bathroom anytime as often as needed.
Each quarter you will receive 10 bathroom passes to use. Make sure to use them wisely. Between classes and at lunch is a great time to use the restroom.
You start to feel like you are getting behind in class and need some help. What should you do?
Talk to your teacher, email your teacher, ask Mrs. Schwinden to help to communicate with your teacher.
How many class periods do you have each day?
7 periods total
2 electives classes, 4 core classes, 1 lunch period
There are 4 minutes between each bell. Don't worry there is a 1 minute warning bell so you know how much time you have left.
True or False: Cell phones are allowed on campus.
True. Though you can't use your cell phones in class you can use them between classes and at lunch.
If I get overwhelmed with my grades, keeping up on assignments, or not being sure how to communicate with my teacher, what should I do?
Go see Mrs. Schwinden
That is what I am here for so we can make sure you are keeping caught up.
Where can you find homework and assignments for each of your classes?
What happens if I am late to a class?
1st offense a tardy is marked, but no consequence is given.
When you are tardy 2 times you will serve 1 lunch detention.
6 tardies in a month equals a in school suspension.
After ISS, students will be given Saturday School 8-12, then Out of School Suspension
True or False: I can chew gum on campus
FALSE, Cooley is a gum free campus. You will be requested to spit out your gum
To play a sport, what steps do you need to make the team?
1. You have to have an up to date physical.
2. Complete information in register my athlete.
3. Attend week of conditioning at the start of each quarter and tryouts following that.
How do you keep track of your grades, schedule, etc
You can download the Student VUE app or login on your school computer to see up to date information such as grades and have your schedule.
Can I use my lunch money for the snack bar?
Yes or No
Yes, snack bar opens 10 minutes after lunch is served and closes 10 minutes later.