When is Dawsons birthday?
February 2nd, 2000
What is Dawson's favorite color?
What is Dawson's favorite Tim Horton's drink?
Caramel Iced Capp
Does Dawson want to take steroids?
Where did Dawson go to university for his first year?
What is the color of Dawson's eyes?
What NHL team would Dawson buy a jersey for?
Toronto Maple Leafs
What is Dawson's favorite food?
What was Dawson's first sport he played?
What was Dawson and his roommates house motto?
ELE-Everybody Love Everybody
What does Dawson call his car?
The Red Stallion
What are Thursdays?
Where would Dawson pick to eat when celebrating?
What position did Dawson play in hockey?
What did Dawson and his friends steal whilst walking home from the bars?
What is Dawson's nickname for Alaina?
Has Dawson ever broke a bone? If yes, what bone?
What is Dawson's favorite energy drink?
Pipeline Punch
What is Dawson's favorite pre workout flavor?
What was the highest grade level and course that Dawson taught during his practicums?
Science 10
What did Dawson weigh when he was born?
8lb 1oz
What is Dawson's favorite store?
Winners! Find Fabulous for less!!
What is Dawson's favorite holiday dessert?
Cherry Cheesecake
What is the workout class Dawson partakes in the most?
What time did Dawson always arrive at during his high school years?