The first day of Lent is called this.
What is Ash Wednesday?
Easter celebrates this event in the life of Jesus.
What is the Resurrection?
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of this special week in the Church.
What is Holy Week?
Good Friday remembers this event in Jesus’ life.
What is His crucifixion (or death on the cross)?
In the United States, children hunt for these on Easter morning.
What are Easter eggs?
The three main spiritual practices of Lent.
What are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving?
The church season that prepares us for Easter.
What is Lent?
On Palm Sunday, Jesus entered this city riding a donkey.
What is Jerusalem?
Good Friday is part of this three-day period leading up to Easter.
What is the Triduum?
Easter eggs are a symbol of this.
What is new life (in Jesus)?
Jesus spent 40 days in this place before beginning His ministry.
What is the desert?
The first people to discover the empty tomb were these followers of Jesus.
Who are the women (or Mary Magdalene and the other women)?
The crowd shouted this word, meaning “save us,” as Jesus entered.
What is Hosanna?
The Church does not celebrate this sacrament on Good Friday.
What is the Holy Mass?
This popular Easter candy is shaped like a baby chick.
What are peeps?
The number of times Satan tempted Jesus in the desert.
What is 3?
The angel at the tomb told the women this good news.
What is 'He is Risen!'?
The people spread these on the road along with palm branches.
What are cloaks?
The color most often used for vestments on Good Friday.
What is red?
The most famous chocolate-covered peanut butter eggs are made by this company.
What is Reese's?
The Sunday before Easter is called this.
What is Palm Sunday?
The Paschal candle, lit at the Easter Vigil, symbolizes this.
What is the light of Christ?
The Gospel readings on Palm Sunday include this part of Jesus’ life.
What is His Passion?
The Good Friday service includes the veneration of this object.
What is the cross?
After Halloween, Easter is the second biggest holiday for selling this sweet treat.
What is candy?