Plural Nouns
A Little of This, A little of that
Homophones, Homographs, homonyms
Verbs, verbs, and more verbs
What is the correct plural noun for the following words? Bench, Fox, and Bush
Benches, foxes, and bushes
Add a comma where needed. My mom's birthday is on February 7 1971.
February 7, 1971
Que cambio se debe hacer el la siguiente oracion? "En algunas partes del Mundo se celebra el dia de Navidad."
Cambiar Mundo por mundo
Select the correct homophone for the following sentence. My sister walked in my room and groaned, "Please don't leave (your/you're) clothes all over my room!"
What change should be made to the sentence? "In the third grade, I sitted beside my best friend."
Change sitted to sat
What is the correct way plural form of the word canary?
Agregen un coma, donde sea necesario. Cuando fui a la tienda, compre un lata de maiz dos manzanas y un soda.
Cuando fui a la tienda, compre un lata de maiz, dos manzanas y un soda.
What change should be made to the following sentences? "Grinning from ear to ear, we brought are gift to Mom"
Change are to our
Escojan el homografos correcto en la siguente oracion. "En la mañana, yo lo mire a (el/él) en la tienda."
Que cambia se debe hacer en la siguente oracion? "Hoy en dia, muchas escuelas secundarias de Texas tiene grupos de mariachi en los que cualquier joven puede participar."
Cambiar tiene por tienen
What is the correct plural form of the words thief and dwarf?
Thieves and dwarves
Add commas, where needed. My uncle Ben shouted "Watch out for rattlesnakes," as we exited the door.
My uncle Ben shouted, "Watch out for rattlesnakes," as we exited the door.
What change should be made to the follow sentence? "Mom, Chloe, and me all looked at one another."
Change me to I
Escojan el homografo correcto en la siguente oracion. "Por la tarde, mi padre come carne y yo (como/cómo) arroz."
What change should be made in the following sentence? "As a baby, my mom and I had a lot of adventures. One day, she had took me to see the baby animals on the farm."
Change had took to took
What is correct plural form of the words goose, child, and person?
Geese, children, and people
Agregen comas donde sea necesarias Tan pronto como llego mi madre Samantha y yo nos fuimos a la feria.
Tan pronto como llego mi madre, Samantha y yo nos fuimos a la feria.
Que cambio se debe hacer en la siguente oracion? "No solo estaremos cuidando los recusos de la naturaleza sino que tambien evitaremos contaminar el ambiente."
Agregar un coma despues de naturaleza
Select the correct homophone in the sentence below. "As I traveled inside the store, I went (buy/by/bye) my friend Jamie."
Que cambio debes hacer en la siguente oracion? "Esto causa que se pierda cultivos enteros y falten alimentos tanto para las personas como para los animales."
Cambiar pierda por pierdan
Cual es la forma plural de la palabras luz y lapiz?
Luces y lapices
Add commas, where needed. John could feel the breeze thick and heavy cross over his chest.
John could feel the breeze, thick and heavy, cross over his chest.
What change should be made to the following sentence? "I learned that cooking takes more patience and attention to detail then I had ever dreamed."
Change then to than
Coarse What is the correct homophone in the sentence below? As Bill washed his stained hands at the end of a long day, he noticed that they were no longer soft, but rather were a mixture of (course/coarse) and jagged.
Complete the following sentence. "Back before money was readily available, my grandmother was in charge of weaving clothing for the children. In the old days, she wove everything from blankets to shirts. When asked, she replied, "I have ____________ more clothes than I can remember." (weave)