The number of prescription drugs I am on daily
What is two
Name of my current university
What is Gallaudet University
Name my brother
What is Joshua
Number of diagnoses I have
What is 3
my birthday
when is april 7th, 1998
Name of the two supplements taken daily
What is fish oil and biotin
Name of my undergraduate college
What is UNH
Number of children I have
What is 1
First diagnosis I ever had
what is depression
who is peter monn
Name of both my daily prescription drugs
What is venlafaxine/effexor and quetiapine/seroquel
Name of my undergraduate degree
What is communication sciences and disorders
Name both of my parents
What is 12 years old
what is barefoot bubbly pink mascato
Name of my med perscriber
will accept dr.main bc it was a recent change
Number of minors I graduated undergrad with
Double jeopardy: name them
what is 2
what is dance and TESOL
Name all my diagnose
what is depression, anxiety, ocd
Number of years i've taught DANCE
What is 4
Name the dosages of each medication I take
double jeopardy: name my PRN and dosage
What is 225mg venlafaxine/effexor and 125mg quetiapine/seroquel
double jeopardy: what is 50mg of hydroxezine
Name of my current program
What is Elementary and Deaf Education
My son's birthday
When is July 7th, 2009
Age of my first un-alive myself episode
what is 9 years old
number of bones i've broken
double jeopardy: name them
what is 1
what is right ring toe