Where was i born
How many siblings do i have
Who is my number one friend
Who is my favorite singer
Taylor swift
What do I do most of the day
play roblox
What day of the week was I born
How old are my brothers
12 and 14
Who is my number one friend in a different class
What is my favorite album by Taylor Swift
What do I do with my brothers
We fight
When was I born
June 24th 2017
What are my brothers names
Remy and Anthoni
What’s five people do I play with the most
Adam Raphael Noah, Orion, and Kai
What is my least favorite Song from Taylor Swift
The archer
How many activities do I do
How old were my brothers when I was born
4 and 7
How many siblings does my mom have
Who is my third best friend
What is my second favorite song on Taylor Swift
Getaway car
What game do I watch Remy do on The switch
Paper Mario, the origami king and Mario and Luigi brothership
What time was I born
What is my mom and dad’s name
Rinde and Guillaume
Who is my second best friend
What is my favorite song by Taylor Swift
when Emma falls in love
What is my favorite game on the switch
Super Mario party jamboree