What is my middle name???
How many siblings do I have (+50 if you know names)
Kalli and Aiden
What is my favorite color??? (+50 points if you are specific)
Green (sage green or forest green)
What was my first car? (the one I totaled)
Toyota Camry
What was the only sport I played during highschool?
Ultimate Frisbee
How tall am I???
5'3 (and a half!)
What is spermdonors name? AKA dad
What is my favorite flavor of ice cream?
How many times have I been stung by a bee?
What class was I held back in?
What is my zodiac sign?
Pisces (fishy fishy)
How many grandparents do I have? (alive and dead)
What is my favorite TV show (+50 points if you can guess how many times I have watched it)
FRIENDS, I have watched it 15 times....so far
Where did my mom leave me when I was younger?
A garage sale
Was I ever sent home for having covid or being exposed? True or False?
What is my most played song in my Spotify wrapped?
California Love- Tupac
What family member am I told I look very similar to?
My grandma becky
Who is my favorite super hero?
Nightwing ;)
What breed of dog attacked me at a garage sale?
Jack Russell Terrier
What grade was my life threatened by a classmate?
8th grade (Bela H)
Who is my most played musician in my Spotify wrapped 2024?
Elvis Presley
What was my mom going to name me if I was a boy?
What was my favorite childhood show?
Wild Kratts
What martial art was I in when I was younger that I got my hair pulled by the instructor?
DRESS CODE (what teacher, what class, or what year?)
Williams, science, 9th grade