Emmalyn Facts
Emmalyn's Birthday
When is December 29th
Favorite Tv show
Young Sheldon
What does Emmalyn do for fun
Be with friends
best part of the school year
Basketball Season
How many siblings does Emmalyn have
What is 3
Favorite Movie
Miracle Season
Celebrity Crush
John B from Outer Banks
Vacation spot
St George or California
Where does Emmalyn have an extra growth plate
in the heel
Favorite Food
Subway Sandwiches
Chicken Bacon Ranch Pizza
Baked Potatoes
Place she would like to Travel
LEAST favorite part of the year
Doing Assemblies
What special skin thing does Emmalyn have
Vitiligo (white spots on the skin)
She just listens to pop
Last Book she read
Favorite celebrity to wish to see
Messi or Ronaldo