Gabe participated in this sport this past summer
What is football
Gabe's favorite color
What is blue
Gabe's favorite place to go out for dinner
Where is Yum Yum Sushi
Grandma Jayne does this spring activity in her spare time
What is raises and releases butterflies?
The amount Gabe won during a scavenger hunt planned by his family, after a soccer game
What is $1
Gabe's favorite class this semester
What is design tech
Gabe's favorite thing to buy when he goes shopping
What are headphones
After school, Gabe's favorite go-to snack
What is cake
Aunt DeAnn and Uncle Steve's favorite school (hint: GO GREEN AND GO WHITE!)
What is Michigan State University
The first camp Gabe went to for respite
Where is Eagle Village (for 9 whole days)
Gabe's favorite teacher
Who is Mr. Basse
The place that Gabe enjoys going, in his spare time, to let off steam
What is Planet 3
The strangest thing that Gabe has ever eaten
What is coconut
In April 2019, Ethan scored how many goals during his soccer game
What is 5
Gabe's first job
What is mowing grass
Gabe's best friend at school this year
Who is Seth
Gabe's most used coping skill when stressed
What is taking a bath/shower
Gabe's favorite place to go with a friend and have a snack after school
Where is in his room (while playing video games)
Mom and Dad had their first date night in 11 years on this day
What is March 14, 2019
Goal Gabe completed at church in June, 2019
What is confirmation
What Gabe hopes to become one day
Who is a person that invents video games
The game Gabe most enjoys playing on his gaming system
What is Fortnite
A food dish Gabe can make on is own
What are eggs
Gift items Eli, Ethan, and Gabe received this past Christmas, from Mom and Dad
What are TVs and gaming systems
January 25, 2021
What is Gabe's graduation date from Wraparound