Animals in Habitats
Types of Habitats
Water Habitats
Land Habitats
Caring for Habitats
This is the habitat where you would find animals such as squirrels, deer, rabbits, and foxes.
What is the woodland forest?
This is the habitat that has fresh water that is moving.
What is a stream?
Name an animal that lives in the ocean.
What is a whale, octopus, fish, crab, squid, jellyfish, shark, etc?
This habitat gets a lot of rainfall.
What is the rainforest?
Garbage that harms land, water or air is called __________________.
What is pollution?
Name an animal that could be found in the rainforest.
What is a sloth, gorilla, tree frog, butterflies, monkeys, parrots, toucan, etc?
This habitat gets very little rainfall.
What is the desert?
How are a pond and a stream different?
What is a pond has water that is still but a stream has moving water?
This habitat is where you would find lots of sand and a cactus.
What is the desert?
Name one way we can care for the land.
What is plant trees, do not litter, etc.
This is the habitat that would have camels, lizards and snakes.
What is the desert?
This is a large body of salt water.
What is an ocean?
Johnny went on a camping trip. He went fishing with his dad. He had to hold the fishing pole the whole time because the water kept moving it. Johnny saw an otter trying to catch a fish while on his trip. The habitat Johnny was most likely near is a ____________.
What is a stream?
This is the habitat that has four seasons.
What is the woodland forest?
One way to cut down on garbage is to __________.
What is recycle?
This is the habitat that would have animals like fish, whales, dolphins, squids, and sharks.
What is the ocean?
This is a still body of fresh water.
What is a pond?
Fish are animals that breathe with ___________.
What is gills?
Which habitat is most like what we have here in our environment?
What is the woodland forest?
Animals depend on their habitats. If a habitat is destroyed by pollution, people or a disaster, tell what may happen to the animal.
What is the animal may die? or the animal will move to another habitat?
Name TWO animals that would be found in the arctic habitat.
What is the penguin, walrus, seal, polar bear, etc?
This is a habitat that stays cold and covered with snow for most of the year.
What is the arctic?
Tell me what happens to the fish in a pond if the pond freezes in winter.
What is the fish still live and swim under the ice.
Johnny went on vacation with his uncle. They went to Egypt! The habitat they visited was a ___________.
What is a desert?
Trees and other plants are important to animals because _______________________.
What is they provide homes for them? They can be food for the animals. They provide oxygen.