TRUE ⭕️ or FALSE ❌ ?
Black cats are lucky (運がいい) in the U.S.
Black cats are not lucky in the U.S.
But they are lucky in the U.K.
The first pumpkins were...?
A) Potatoes B) Bell Peppers
C) Apples D) Turnips
D) Turnips
Turnips were the first pumpkins.
What is a ghost?
A) B)
C) D)
This is a ghost - It is 幽霊 (ゆうれい).
What is this candy?
A) Chocolate Fingers B) Candy Corn
C) M&M's D) Lemon Candy
It's B) candy corn!
Where is Halloween from?
A) Sweden, Denmark B) Japan
C) Ireland, the UK, France D) America
C) It's from Ireland, the UK, and France.
The Celts created Halloween more than 2,000 years ago. It was a harvest (収穫 - しゅうかく) festival, called Samhain (サウイン祭).
Who is he?
A) Mummy B) Pumpkin
C) Dracula D) Red Devil
He is C) Dracula.
He is a vampire. He is from Hotel Transylvania.
What is the most popular Halloween candy in the U.S.?
A) M&M's B) Kit Kat
C) Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
D) Milky Way
C) Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
We say "spooky season" in October. What does "spooky" mean?
A) scary B) fun
C) fall / autumn D) Halloween
A) scary
What is the most popular costume in the U.S. this year?
A) B)
C) D)
Spiderman is the 2nd most popular costume this year.