This person has committed identity theft of an authority figure and successfully evaded punishment
What class did Jaiden meet Ethan in?
This friend participated in the setting of a Guinness-approved World Record
Who is Yub Nub
What was Tessa's favorite date that you went on?
Disney Land
Where did Big Red go to high school?
Anthem Prep
What event did Cole do for the Junior Olympics in 5th grade?
Long Jump
In Chads childhood dreams, he aspired to be what when he grew up?
What is a Shoshone Indian
What kind of tree grew in Joey's backyard next to his swimming pool as a child?
An orange tree
What is the address of Tessas House?
2492 Stow Street
Simi Valley, CA 93063
What building did he live in freshmen year of college?
What was the first concert Cole ever went to?
Keith Urban
In 2004, what object blocked Chad's pharynx and sent him to the emergency room?
What is a nickel
Joeys favorite pet cat growing up was what name?
Daisy :)
How many schools did Tessa go to growing up?
What was his least favorite food as a kid?
How many days has Nick Day been alive?
What happened to Big Reds circumcision?
the land bridge
This friend never learned to play drums but loved drumsticks so much as a toddler that he carried them around and even slept with them (also pronounced them as "bum sticks")
Yub Nub
What was Tessa's least favorite vacation?
Going to Big Sur
What is his grandpa's name?
Robert E. Lee
What grade did David get in Mrs.Lauers Class?
Who almost got abducted at a Home Depot as a toddler?
How old was Tessa when she started dancing?