My favorite artist
What is Noah Kahan
This was the number of days that Dad's trips were on average
What is 10
This was my high school rank.
What is 3
These are the animals I showed in the livestock show
What are rabbits and goats
My friend since daycare
Who is Cross
My favorite dish that dad cooks
What is spaghetti carbonara
This is where I really want to go
What is Switzerland
The sports I played in high school and middle school
Tennis, Basketball, Soccer, Track, Football, and Baseball
I worked these places throughout high school (4)
Where is King Ranch, Brookshire Pool, Chic-FIL-A, and First Community Bank (Bird Boy)
My friend I often play pickleball with
Who is Josh
My favorite specific color
The number of states I've been to
What is 48
Positions I held on the Student Council in high school
What are treasurer and parlimentarian
Positions I held on 4-H County Council
What are Secretary, Treasurer, 1st Vice President, President
This person is a childhood friend who I often hang out with now
Who is Kaylen Burney
My favorite state that I've been to regarding scenery
What is California
What is Port Elizabeth, Maine
My major and expected graduation date
What is Accounting and Fall of 2026
This was how many years I was president of my 4-H Club
What is 3
These two people are who I normally hang out with now
Who are madi and izzy
My favorite movie
What is Pitch Perfect 2
These are the states (2) that I have been to the most besides Texas.
What are Florida and Colorado
My college GPA including dual enrollment
What is 3.97
The first high school party I went to was for this holiday
What is Halloween
This is my friend who I normally play Fortnite with
Who is David