Context Clues
Problem and Solution
Critical Thinking Words
It is better to take responsibility for you actions, rather than censure someone else. What does censure mean?
What is blame?
Time flies when you are having fun.
What is time goes by quickly?
Ellis gathered the detergent and the bleach. He carried the basket to the basement. What was he doing?
What is laundry?
You dropped a plate of food on the kitchen floor and it broke. What is the problem/solution?
What is you dropped the plate and it made a mess (problem) and clean up the mess (solution).
Please analyze the following paragraph and answer the questions. What is another word for analyze?
What is study, look closely, review?
The sky was dark and eerie after the storm. What does eerie mean?
What is scary or mysterious?
Vick missed the homework assignment because every time the teacher talks, her words just seem to go in one ear and out the other.
What is not paying attention/not listening?
My aunt and uncle rowed to the middle of the lake. After they put their lines in the water, there was nothing to do but wait. What were they doing?
What is fishing?
Your class is too noisy for your teacher. What is the problem/solution?
What is the teacher cannot teach with all of the noise (problem) and ask the students to be quiet (solution)?
Read the story and compare the characters of Hansel and Gretel. What does compare mean?
What is tell how they are alike?
The barren field did not have any crops growing in it. What does barren mean?
What is empty?
Every time Krista picks up the dishes, I'm scared she is going to drop them because she is all thumbs.
What is clumsy?
It had been an exciting summer. On the last evening, everyone sat around the campfire. They held their sticks close to the fire. What were they doing?
What is roasting marsh-mellows?
You have a broken leg and your school has steps. What is the problem/solution?
What is you have a broken leg and cannot walk up the steps (problem) and use a ramp or crutches (solution)?
Did you comprehend the material or do you need more help? What does comprehend mean?
What is understand?
When she began to jabber, everyone ignored her because they couldn't understand what she was saying anyway. What does jabber mean?
What is speak quickly?
Jeff passed English and math by the skin of his teeth.
What is he barely did it/waited to the last minute to get his grades up?
Doug and Sharon are going on a trip. As Doug walked into the bedroom, he said, "why aren't you ready to go?" How did Doug know Sharon wasn't ready to leave?
What is her suitcase wasn't packed?
Your pocket has a hole in it. What is the problem/solution?
What is you have a hole in your pocket and your items can fall out of it (problem) and sew up the hole or wear different pants (solution)?
I need you to cite your work on the last page of your report.What does cite mean?
What is write, quote, mention?
The boy acted in a humane way when taking care of the dog. What does humane mean?
What is caring/kind?
How did mom know that you took the cookies? Because she has eyes in the back of her head.
What is knowing what is happening even when you cannot see it?
Dan came home from the dentist and told his mom he could not eat any more candy. Why did Dan say that?
What is he had lots of cavities.
It's July and your flowers haven't had rain in weeks. What is the problem/solution?
What is your flowers have had no water and they are drying up (problem) and you need to water them (solution)?
If you have a different opinion about the issues, you may articulate your ideas to me in private. What does articulate mean?
What is say, speak or express?