All About Safety
Dress Code
Extended Day
Lunch Shift

How should students walk in the hallway?

With a buddy at all times


Give an example of something that would be non-compliant for the staff dress code

any example! 


Where can you find your attendance sheets and emergency binder? 

Attendance sheets are in the break room in their organized folder. Emergency Binders are in the auditorium in the black drawer. 


What food item in the lunch room is not considered an entree? 

Donuts, fruit, chips, or any beverages are not considered entrees 


You hear the phone ring in the classroom or in the auditorium. What should you do? How do you answer? 

Answer the phone, always! 

"Hello Ms._____, Room 2" 

"Hello, Ms._____, auditorium"


What is the first step you should take if a child has a serious injury (such as a broken arm) on the playground?

Clear the area around the child and call the front office for help


Can you wear sandals with no back? 

No, shoes should fit securely to your entire foot. It must have a heel backing. 


How much is a drop in fee? How much do we charge late fees? 

-Drop in fee is $35 

-Late Pick-Up is $5 every 5 minutes 


You're roaming the Auditorium and you notice a child is eating out of a glass container. What is your next step?

Glass items are not allowed as they might break and cause a safety hazard. Take the container, label a ziplock bag, add the container with the note and give it to the office.


You're sending a student to the office due to not feeling well. What do you say through the walkie to communicate? 

"Office do you copy?" 

"I'm sending a child to the office due to not feeling well" 


What is the teacher to student ratio for Kindergarten?

1:15 or 2:30


What is the appropriate length for a dress or a skirt?

At the knee or below. 


What does PM2, PM3 and PM5 mean? 

PM2: student is enrolled in XD Tuesday and Thursday 

PM3: student is enrolled in XD for Mon, Wed, and Fri 

PM5: student is enrolled in XD every day 


A parent comes to you on the playground to pick up their child from school. What do you do?

Confirm that the parent has signed out in the office with the parent or by asking the office 


You overhear a colleague saying something hurtful about you to another colleague. What do you do? 

Speak to your supervisor. We are here to ensure you feel secure and safe in the workplace. Please do not hesitate to speak in this matter or in any other uncomfortable situations. 


A student is complaining that they have a stomach ache. What steps do you take? 

- Ask them if they feel like they might vomit, if they say yes, send them to the office right away

- If they say they do not feel like vomiting, suggest that they try to use the bathroom to see if it helps

- If the bathroom does not help, send them to the office for further check up


You come to work on Friday wearing you favorite jeans and blouse. Are you meeting dress code?

No, a blouse does not meet requirement. If you are wearing jeans on Friday it must be worn with a Stratford Spirit shirt (no summer shirts)


You're taking attendance and doing a head count. Somehow you have 2 extra students. What should you do? 

1. Get the attention of the classroom and take attendance again. 

2. Ask the class "Who did I not call out?" 

3. Check in with the office regarding the two extra students. 


A child comes up to you and they say they don't feel good. You notice that their lips are swollen, and they're breathing heavily. What is happening? What is your next step? 

The child is having a food allergy reaction and may need medication or an Epi-pen. 

1. Stay with the child and monitor their condition 

2. Direct another teacher to call the office for support and then dial 911. 


A parent comes to you and asks how their child is getting along with another student in the classroom. What information can you not share?

You should never use another child's name when talking with a parent. You can speak to that parent's child's experience, but do not share details about other children. 


You see a child using a cough drops in class. What do you do?

Children can not have cough drops while at school because they are considered a medication. They will have to be taken and given to the front office. 

In the morning you're debating between your favorite sneakers or a pair of short heels. Which option is work appropriate?

Neither! Shoes should not have laces or compromise your ability to run


A parent is upset about their child not finishing homework during XD. In this case, the child is enrolled in clubs. How do you respond the the parent? 

"I understand, I will ensure they finish their homework. Unfortunately, your child being in the club interferes with their homework portion. I will continue to remind them moving forward" 

-Inform the parent in advance to avoid conflicts 


How do you formally call a parent on the phone to inform them that the child doesn't have lunch or dropped a lunch?

Hello, my name is (your name), and I am calling from Stratford School. Is this Bob's mom? 

Everything is okay, I just want to inform you that Bob doesn't have a lunch/dropped his lunch by accident and we are calling to inform you. We have an emergency lunch, would you like us to provide that for him? Thank you! 


You have a personal issue that is bothering you while you are at work. You're having difficulty managing your emotions. What should your next step be? 

Check in with your supervisor to see what support might be available. Do not vent to students or parents.