How many Dad's do I have?
2, one real Dad, one step dad
Where do I live now? (2021)
Cromwell, CT
What's my favorite season of the year?
What two sports do I play?
Gymnastics, Riding (Horse Back Riding)
Is my Mom alive?
What town, or city was I born in?
Wethersfield, CT
What's my favorite color?
Pink, Navy Blue, Teal
What's my favorite school subject?
Library, because of the crafts. Or Music because of Mrs. Giffree
How many pets do I have?
Cat, Fish, Hermit Crab (3)
How many houses have I lived in?
What's my favorite fruit?
How long did I do remote learning? (2021)
From after thanksgiving 2020, to march 30 2021
What was my first cat's name?
What year did I move for the first time.
May, 2016
What's my favorite sport to watch?
What's my student teachers name?
Mrs. Stoddard
How old was I when my parents Divorced?
They separated when I was 2, but officially Divorced when I was 5
What was the school that I went to in Glastonbury, CT called?
Hopewell Elementary School
What's my favorite animal? I will take three answers.
Tiger, Cat, Dog
What's my student teachers hidden talent?
She's an amazing singer