What is my fav color
How many family members do I have
What's my dogs name
P.S. She is amazing
Who was my teacher in TK
Mrs.Woods and Mrs Martinally
What is my fav animal
What does 2 colors that make pink
red and white
Who was my first and last sisters
Jane and Scout
How many years have I been begging for a dog
11 years
Basically my whole life
Who was my teacher in kindergarten
Mrs. Cohen
WHat animal do i like the least
Cats yuck
what was my fav color in kindergarten
Who is the most annoying
What year did I get my first dog
Who was my first grade teacher
Mrs. Spadaro
What animal did I do for my animal report last year
Siberian Husky (you didn't have to say the breed so basically dog)
WHat is Janes fav color
List my family oldest to youngest
Tyler, Katy, Me, Jane, Shelby, Scout
What is my fav thing about dogs
2 options
Is there tail and face because it shows they are happy
Who was my second grade teacher
Mrs. Reimer
Have I ever not liked dogs and who is to blame that I couldn't get a dog for a long time
No and Shelby
What color is my homework folder
True or False
Am I the only one in my family with hearing aids
What color is Scout
White, Red, brown,
Who was my third grade teacher
Mrs. Barber
List my three fav animals in order
Dog, Wolf, Lion