Month, day, and year of Tab's birthday.
What is April 24, 2003?
Sports Tab played.
What is softball and soccer?
Favorite craft hobby
What is candlemaking?
What is potatoes of any sort
Favorite movie
What is Top Gun?
Number of cats Tab's family has.
What is FOUR?
Number of times Tab has fell into a body of water.
What is THREE?
Favorite man on earth.
Who is Park Seonghwa?
What is Dr. Pepper?
Movie that introduced Tab to all other 80s movies.
What is The Outsiders?
Number of sports played by Tab.
What is TWO?
Tab climbed up this as a young child and worried her granddad.
What is scaffolding?
Tab didn't claim a favorite color until just a few years ago. This color she now claims is.
What is green?
TV show genre
What is cop procedural or crime?
Marvel, DC, or neither
Job Tab wanted as a child.
What is cowboy firefighter?
Traumatizing experience that happened to Tab her first time trick or treating.
What is a man in a scream mask grabbed her hand as she reached for the candy?
Top 3 kpop groups.
Who are Ateez, SHINee, and Seventeen?
What is 50s?
Favorite movie actor
Who is Tom Cruise?
Tab's future career path.
What is a trauma counselor for first responders?
Tab fell into this as a 4 year old.
What is a pond?
Most used app
What is Character AI?
What is sucker?
Movie with the best soundtrack.
What is Dirty Dancing?