whats my fav snack
whats my fav show (easy)
young sheldon
whats my frog name?
how many brothers do I have and what's their name
max, miles, evander, morgan
whats my fav song to listen to when I'm sad
daddy issues - the neighborhood
whats my fav drink
iced water or alani
whats my fav scream movie? (there's 3)
1 , 3 and 6
whats my least fav bug
daddy long legs
whats my dads full name
joseph Lee whyte
whats my fav electric artist
whats my fav place to eat
any sushi place or olive garden
what do I binge watch?
how many pets do I have total
whats my grandma name (I have 2)
just name 1
kim or laura
whats my fav rapper
tyler the creator
what do I normally eat for lunch
whats my fav show (hard)
greys anatomy
whats all my pets name?
posty, molly, Gunnar, oj
how many aunts and uncles do I have
whats my fav lyric from wildflower by Billie eilish
but I see her in the back of my mind all the time
pistachio frappe, with white mocha and reg mocha
whats my least fav horror film?
Thanksgiving, Friday the 13th, halloween
thanksgiving! I hated it, it was too much gore and no horror
what was my tortoises (tortilla) name when I had her
whats my moms middle name
whats my fav album by the neighborhood or tv girl (name 1)
who really cares or wiped out