The city were Meleah was born.
Charlottesville, Virginia
How Meleah spends her summers.
Caring for kids (CiT/ Camp, VBS, Youth Trips are acceptable)
Sweet or Salty??
The third place Meleah lived.
Honolulu, Hawaii
Meleah discovered this extracurricular after realizing it was the part of dancing she loved.
Meleah’s favorite food (one point for each correct answer)
Ice Cream (ultra chocolate)
Orange Chicken with rice
Where Meleah wants to travel to the most.
The favorite hobby of Meleah’s, often preformed at camp or on a road trip.
Making Friendship Braclets
Meleah’s favorite restaurant.
The Cheesecake Factory
City in Utah where Meleah lived from 2017-2019.
Layton, Utah
Names of all the Orchestras Meleah has been a part of.
Prelude, Academy, Warrior Orchestra, JH South All Region, SH South All Region
Meleah’s favorite thing to make
Country where Meleah’s modeling career took off.
South Korea
Meleah carries a journal with her for this hobby/ activity.
Something Meleah can not do to save her life (not food related) (hey I’m the one making the rules)
Spell/Prounciation or being Clumsy/ not falling or not burst out in song