Treatment/Coping Skills
Fact or Fiction

A series of symptoms that affect mood, personality and behavior, that also has some degree of loss of contact with reality.

What is Psychosis?


Briefly describe the box breathing method.

What is breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, and rest for 4 seconds?


People with mental illness are dangerous.

What is False? Dangerous people are dangerous. Presence of a mental illness does not equate with bade or danger.

Symptom of ADHD

What is trouble concentrating, trouble focusing, hyperarousal, impulsivity, rapid/tangential speech, etc.?


What does WRAP stand for?

What is Wellness Recovery Action Plan?


Veterans are the only population that can be diagnosed with PTSD. 

What is False? PTSD is a disorder developed from trauma. Trauma can be experienced in vast ways.


Two types of stress.

What is Eustress and Distress? Eustress is positive stress, associated with feelings of excitement and anticipation. Distress is negative stress, associated with feeling overwhelmed and wanting to avoid.


What are the 6 sections of WRAP?

What are Wellness Toolbox & Maintenance Plans, Triggers, Early Warning Signs, Intense Warning Signs, Crisis/Safety Plan, and Post-Crisis & Recovery?


Mood disorder triggered by time of year, weather, and/or amount of sunlight.

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?


All stress is bad.

What is False? Stress is a natural part of life. Stress can be motivator for change or growth.


Hallmark symptom of GAD, OCD, and PTSD.

What is hypervigilance? 

Hypervigilance is state of arousal that involves constantly assessing potential threats around you.


Briefly describe a maintenance plan.

What is a Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Periodic plan to stay well and remain in recovery?


Disorder characterized by manifestation of coping, in the form of defense mechanisms, that are outside of their self.

What is Dissociative Identity Disorder? This disorder is almost always correlated with childhood trauma. The person with DID was never able to adequately understand or cope with stress, so different identifies are developed to defend or dissociate from uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, and/or situations.


Daily Double!

Recommended treatment for any kind of anxiety disorder, but particularly phobias

What is Exposure Therapy? Exposure therapy involves a therapist slowly introducing trigger(s) to client in safe, therapeutic environment. The idea is that the client faces the trigger and develops empowerment over it. After each session, the client builds resilience relating to the source of anxiety. 


Medication paired with therapy is the leading treatment for most mental illness.

What is True?


Compare and contrast positive and negative symptoms. Provide one example for each.

What is both positive and negative symptoms are unwanted and cause impairment. Positive are added, or nonexistent at baseline, optimal functioning (ex. hearing voices). Negative symptoms are removed, or desirable at baseline, optimal functioning (ex. not sleeping)?


What are the 4 components of wellness?

What is Psychological, Physical, Social, and Spiritual?


Daily Double

Categories, or groups, of mental health disorders.

Hint: there are 7

Mood disorders, Anxiety disorders, Psychotic disorders, Personality disorders, Eating disorders, Trauma disorders, Substance-use disorders


Briefly describe type and presentation of a cognitive distortion.

What is Catastrophizing, Fortune-telling, Black-and-white thinking, Emotional reasoning, Overgeneralization, "Should" statements, etc.


You can't have poor mental health if you have a good life.

What is False? A "good" life is very subjective, and mental illness does not discriminate.


Symptom of depression often thought to be most invasive, persistent, and associated with most other symptoms.

What is learned helplessness?


What are the 3 A's of recovery.

What is Awareness, Accountability, and Action? Awareness involves monitoring symptoms, triggers, and self-protective factors. Accountability involves taking personal responsibility and doing your part to get better. Action involves working toward goals, reaching out for support, and sticking to maintenance plans.